Class: Lnrpc::WalletUnlocker::Service

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* Comments in this file will be directly parsed into the API Documentation as descriptions of the associated method, message, or field. These descriptions should go right above the definition of the object, and can be in either block or /// comment format.

One edge case exists where a // comment followed by a /// comment in the next line will cause the description not to show up in the documentation. In that instance, simply separate the two comments with a blank line.

An RPC method can be matched to an lncli command by placing a line in the beginning of the description in exactly the following format: lncli: ‘methodname`

Failure to specify the exact name of the command will cause documentation generation to fail.

More information on how exactly the gRPC documentation is generated from this proto file can be found here:

The WalletUnlocker service is used to set up a wallet password for lnd at first startup, and unlock a previously set up wallet.