Class: Linguin::BulkLanguageDetection
- Inherits:
- Object
- BaseResponse
- LanguageDetection
- Linguin::BulkLanguageDetection
- Defined in:
- lib/linguin/bulk_language_detection.rb
Returned by Linguin#detect_language(!) when called with an array of strings.
#success? - Bool - checks if detection results were found #error - Hash - contains ‘error` and `message` about what went wrong #results - Array - contains the detection results for each text, ordered by confidence descending
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from BaseResponse
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from LanguageDetection
Attributes inherited from BaseResponse
Method Summary
Methods inherited from LanguageDetection
Methods inherited from BaseResponse
from_httparty, #initialize, #raise_on_error!
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Linguin::BaseResponse