Liquid Arrays

Adds better support for arrays and hashes in Liquid. Liquid only comes with support for creating arrays using split and iteration for arrays and hashes. This adds support for standard array and hash operations, such as creation, insertion, replacement, and deletion.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'liquid-arrays'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install liquid-arrays

Ensure any other requirements the software you're using might have for loading plugins are met.

Error Handling

Error handling uses Liquid's error modes to determine how to handle errors. Please see Liquid - Error Modes for more information.


There are several tags that will modify arrays and hashes in various ways. Each tag has various attributes that specify information about the operation. The syntax for the tags and attributes is as follows:

{% tag_name attribute:value attribute:value %}

Some tags will have a default attribute which can be used if only one attribute needs specified, like so:

{% tag_name value %}


Aside from the standard Liquid types, inline arrays and hashes may also be defined and used for appropriate attributes. The syntax for each is as follows:

{% tag_name array:value1,value2,value3 %}
{% tag_name hash:key1>value1,key2>value2 %}

Note: If an array is defined with a single variable and that variable contains an array, that array will be used instead of being the first element.

array_create tag

Creates an array with opinional initial items. If the variable is already defined it will reassign it.

Attribute Required Type Description
array Yes (default) Variable The array to create
items No Array The initial items


{% array_create values1 %}
{% array_create array:values2 items:"value1",2 %}
values1 => []
values2 => ["value1", 2]

array_add tag

Adds a value to the end of an array. If the array doesn't exist, it will create it first.

Attribute Required Type Description
array If outside array block Variable The array to modify
value Yes (default) Any The value to add


{% assign var = "a" %}
{% array_add array:values value:var %}
{% array_add array:values value:1 %}
{% array_add array:values value:true %}
values => ["a", 1, true]

array_delete tag

Deletes an index or all occurrences of a value from an array. If an index is used, it must be within the interval [0, length).

Attribute Required Type Description
array If outside array block Variable The array to modify
index If no value Integer or Variable The index to delete
value If no index Any The value to delete


values => ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
{% array_delete array:values index:1 %}
{% array_delete array:values value:"a" %}
values => ["c"]

array_insert tag

Inserts a value into an array at an index. The index must be within the interval [0, length]. The array must already exist and will not be created if it does not.

Attribute Required Type Description
array If outside array block Variable The array to modify
index Yes Integer or Variable The index to insert at
value Yes Any The value to insert


values => ["a", "b", "c"]
{% array_insert array:values index:0 value:"z" %}
{% array_insert array:values index:2 value:"y" %}
values => ["z", "a", "y", "b", "c"]

array_replace tag

Replaces the value at an index in an array. The index must be within the interval [0, length).

Attribute Required Type Description
array If outside array block Variable The array to modify
index Yes Integer or Variable The index to replace
value Yes Any The value to replace with


values => ["a", "b", "c"]
{% array_replace array:values index:0 value:"z" %}
{% array_replace array:values index:2 value:"y" %}
values => ["z", "b", "y"]

array block tag

Allows for the modification of an array without having to specify the array for every operation. If the array doesn't exist, it will create an empty array.

Attribute Required Type Description
array Yes (default) Variable The array to modify


{% array values %}
  {% array_add "a" %}
  {% array_add "b" %}
  {% array_insert index:1 value:"z" %}
{% endarray %}
values => ["a", "z", "b"]

hash_create tag

Creates a hash with opinional initial entries. If the variable is already defined it will reassign it.

Attribute Required Type Description
hash Yes (default) Variable The hash to create
entries No Hash The initial entries


{% hash_create values1 %}
{% hash_create hash:values2 entries:"key1">"a","key2",3 %}
values1 => {}
values2 => {"key1" => "a", "key2" => 3}

hash_set tag

Sets a key-value mapping in a hash, either adding it if it doesn't already exist or replacing the existing mapping for the key. If the hash doesn't exist, it will create it first.

Attribute Required Type Description
hash If outside hash block Variable The hash to modify
key Yes Any The key to map the value to
value Yes Any The value to map to the key


{% hash_set hash:values key:"key1" value:"a" %}
{% hash_set hash:values key:"key2" value:3 %}
{% hash_set hash:values key:"key3" value:false %}
values => {"key1" => "a", "key2" => 3, "key3" => false}

hash_delete tag

Deletes a key-value mapping from a hash for a key.

Attribute Required Type Description
hash If outside hash block Variable The hash to modify
key Yes (default) Any The key to remove the mapping for


values => {"key1" => "a", "key2" => 3, "key3" => false}
{% hash_delete hash:values key:"key1" %}
{% hash_delete hash:values key:"key2" %}
values => {"key3" => false}

hash block tag

Allows for the modification of a hash without having to specify the hash for
every operation. If the hash doesn't exist, it will create an empty hash.

Attribute Required Type Description
hash Yes (default) Variable The hash to modify


{% hash values %}
  {% hash_set key:"key1" value:"a" %}
  {% hash_set key:"key2" value:"b" %}
  {% hash_set key:"key3" value:"c" %}
  {% hash_delete "key2" %}
{% endhash %}
values => {"key1" => "a", "key3" => "c"}


Liquid Arrays is licensed under Apache License 2.0. It is a permissive software license with a few restrictions.

  • This software may be modified, used, and distributed in open or closed-source software.
  • Redistribution requires a copy of the license and notices to any modifications made to this software.
  • Any unmodified parts of this software must retain the original license but any modifications or derivatives may be licensed differently.

This is only a brief summary of the license. For the complete restrictions and requirements, please refer to the full license.