
Lishogi - the Ruby gem for the API reference


Welcome to the reference for the Lishogi API! Lishogi is free/libre, open-source shogi server forked from lichess powered by volunteers and donations.

Currently this page is a work in progress, certain information here might be wrong and incorrect! Expect it to be done during 2022.


All requests go to (unless otherwise specified).

Rate limiting

All requests are rate limited using various strategies, to ensure the API remains responsive for everyone. Only make one request at a time. If you receive an HTTP response with a 429 status, please wait a full minute before resuming API usage.

Streaming with ND-JSON

Some API endpoints stream their responses as Newline Delimited JSON a.k.a. nd-json, with one JSON object per line.

Here's a JavaScript utility function (for lichess) to help reading NDJSON streamed responses.

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Package version: 0.1.0
  • Generator version: 7.10.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build lishogi.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./lishogi-0.1.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./lishogi-0.1.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'lishogi', '~> 0.1.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'lishogi', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'lishogi'

# Setup authorization
Lishogi.configure do |config|
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
  config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
  # Configure a proc to get access tokens in lieu of the static access_token configuration
  config.access_token_getter = -> { 'YOUR TOKEN GETTER PROC' } 
  # Configure faraday connection
  config.configure_faraday_connection { |connection| 'YOUR CONNECTION CONFIG PROC' }

api_instance =

  #Get my preferences
  result = api_instance.
  p result
rescue Lishogi::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountApi->account: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
Lishogi::AccountApi account GET /api/account/preferences Get my preferences
Lishogi::AccountApi account_email GET /api/account/email Get my email address
Lishogi::AccountApi account_kid GET /api/account/kid Get my kid mode status
Lishogi::AccountApi account_kid_post POST /api/account/kid Set my kid mode status
Lishogi::AccountApi account_me GET /api/account Get my profile
Lishogi::AnalysisApi api_cloud_eval GET /api/cloud-eval Get cloud evaluation of a position.
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi api_team_arena GET /api/team/teamId/arena Get team Arena tournaments
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi api_tournament GET /api/tournament Get current tournaments
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi api_tournament_post POST /api/tournament Create a new Arena tournament
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi api_user_name_tournament_created GET /api/user/username/tournament/created Get tournaments created by a user
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi games_by_tournament GET /api/tournament/id/games Export games of an Arena tournament
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi results_by_tournament GET /api/tournament/id/results Get results of an Arena tournament
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi teams_by_tournament GET /api/tournament/id/teams Get team standing of a team battle
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi tournament GET /api/tournament/id Get info about an Arena tournament
Lishogi::BoardApi api_board_seek POST /api/board/seek Create a seek
Lishogi::BoardApi api_stream_event GET /api/stream/event Stream incoming events
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_abort POST /api/board/game/gameId/abort Abort a game
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_chat_get GET /api/board/game/gameId/chat Fetch the game chat
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_chat_post POST /api/board/game/gameId/chat Write in the chat
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_move POST /api/board/game/gameId/move/move Make a Board move
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_resign POST /api/board/game/gameId/resign Resign a game
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_stream GET /api/board/game/stream/gameId Stream Board game state
Lishogi::BoardApi board_game_takeback POST /api/board/game/gameId/takeback/accept Handle takeback offers
Lishogi::BotApi api_bot_online GET /api/bot/online Get online bots
Lishogi::BotApi api_stream_event GET /api/stream/event Stream incoming events
Lishogi::BotApi bot_account_upgrade POST /api/bot/account/upgrade Upgrade to Bot account
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_abort POST /api/bot/game/gameId/abort Abort a game
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_chat POST /api/bot/game/gameId/chat Write in the chat
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_chat_get GET /api/bot/game/gameId/chat Fetch the game chat
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_move POST /api/bot/game/gameId/move/move Make a Bot move
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_resign POST /api/bot/game/gameId/resign Resign a game
Lishogi::BotApi bot_game_stream GET /api/bot/game/stream/gameId Stream Bot game state
Lishogi::ChallengesApi challenge_accept POST /api/challenge/challengeId/accept Accept a challenge
Lishogi::ChallengesApi challenge_ai POST /api/challenge/ai Challenge the AI
Lishogi::ChallengesApi challenge_create POST /api/challenge/username Create a challenge
Lishogi::ChallengesApi challenge_decline POST /api/challenge/challengeId/decline Decline a challenge
Lishogi::ChallengesApi challenge_open POST /api/challenge/open Open-ended challenge
Lishogi::GamesApi api_account_playing GET /api/account/playing Get my ongoing games
Lishogi::GamesApi api_games_user GET /api/games/user/username Export games of a user
Lishogi::GamesApi api_user_current_game GET /api/user/username/current-game Export ongoing game of a user
Lishogi::GamesApi game_kif GET /game/export/gameId Export one game
Lishogi::GamesApi games_by_users POST /api/stream/games-by-users Stream games of users
Lishogi::GamesApi stream_game GET /api/stream/game/id Stream moves of a game
Lishogi::MessagingApi inbox_username POST /inbox/username Send a private message
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi api_puzzle_activity GET /api/puzzle/activity Get your puzzle activity
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi api_puzzle_daily GET /api/puzzle/daily Get the daily puzzle
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi api_puzzle_dashboard GET /api/puzzle/dashboard/days Get your puzzle dashboard
Lishogi::SimulsApi api_simul GET /api/simul Get current simuls
Lishogi::StudiesApi study_all_chapters_kif GET /api/study/studyId.kif Export all chapters
Lishogi::StudiesApi study_chapter_kif GET /study/studyId/chapterId.kif Export one study chapter
Lishogi::StudiesApi study_export_all_kif GET /study/by/username/export.kif Export all studies of a user
Lishogi::TVApi tv_channel_games GET /api/tv/channel Get best ongoing games of a TV channel
Lishogi::TVApi tv_channels GET /api/tv/channels Get current TV games
Lishogi::TVApi tv_feed GET /api/tv/feed Stream current TV game
Lishogi::TeamsApi api_team_arena GET /api/team/teamId/arena Get team Arena tournaments
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_all GET /api/team/all Get popular teams
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_id_join POST /team/teamId/join Join a team
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_id_kick_user_id POST /team/teamId/kick/userId Kick a user from your team
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_id_pm_all POST /team/teamId/pm-all Message all members
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_id_quit POST /team/teamId/quit Leave a team
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_id_users GET /api/team/teamId/users Get members of a team
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_of_username GET /api/team/of/username Teams of a player
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_search GET /api/team/search Search teams
Lishogi::TeamsApi team_show GET /api/team/teamId Get a single team
Lishogi::UsersApi api_crosstable GET /api/crosstable/user1/user2 Get crosstable
Lishogi::UsersApi api_user GET /api/user/username Get user public data
Lishogi::UsersApi api_user_activity GET /api/user/username/activity Get user activity
Lishogi::UsersApi api_user_rating_history GET /api/user/username/rating-history Get rating history of a user
Lishogi::UsersApi api_users POST /api/users Get users by ID
Lishogi::UsersApi api_users_status GET /api/users/status Get real-time users status
Lishogi::UsersApi player GET /player Get all top 10
Lishogi::UsersApi player_top_nb_perf_type GET /player/top/nb/perfType Get one leaderboard
Lishogi::UsersApi streamer_live GET /streamer/live Get live streamers
Lishogi::UsersApi team_id_users GET /api/team/teamId/users Get members of a team

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • preference:read: Read your preferences
    • preference:write: Write your preferences
    • email:read: Read your email address
    • challenge:read: Read incoming challenges
    • challenge:write: Create, accept, decline challenges
    • study:read: Read private studies
    • study:write: Create, update and delete studies
    • tournament:write: Create tournaments
    • puzzle:read: Read puzzle activity
    • team:write: Join, leave, and manage teams
    • msg:write: Send private messages to other players
    • board:play: Play with the Board API
    • bot:play: Play with the Bot API. Only for Bot accounts