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lita-remember is a plugin that allows users to have Lita memorize terms and their definitions. This handler was inspired and influenced by lita-key-value, lita-wtf, and Hubot's hubot-remember.


Add lita-remember to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-remember"


Lita can remember, forget, search, and list terms and definitions.

Lita can remember terms:

[You]: Lita, remember May 4th is Star Wars Day
[Lita]: OK, I'll remember May 4th is Star Wars Day

Lita can recall terms:

[You]: Lita, what is May 4th?
[Lita]: May 4th is Star Wars Day (answered 1 times, defined by Justin Ellison)

Lita can list all terms it knows about:

[You]: Lita, what do you remember?
[Lita]: These are all the terms I remember:
[Lita]:  - may 4th

Lita can search terms:

[You]: Lita, search terms for May
[Lita]: The following terms matched your query:
[Lita]:  - may 4th

Lita can search definitions:

[You]: Lita, search terms for Star Wars
[Lita]: The following terms matched your query:
[Lita]:  - may 4th

Lita can forget about terms:

[You]: Lita, forget about May 4th
[Lita]: What is this May 4th you speak of? ;)