
The lmcadm command line utility strives to provide an admin and script friendly interface to select LMC functionality.


Install via rubygems:

$ gem install lmcadm


Building native extensions for certain dependencies require ruby headers or source code to be present. These can usually be installed the same way ruby was installed.

On Ubuntu for example, installing the ruby-dev via the package manager is sufficient.


Lmcadm works with https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/, use the recommended version with Devkit and choose the default options during install. Installation can continue with rubygems.

Known issues

Installing lmcadm fails with ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

Ruby headers and some tools to build software (C compiler, make) are needed. On Ubuntu for example, the packages ruby-dev and build-essential should be enough. apt install ruby-dev build-essential

Unable to load the EventMachine C extension ; To use the pure-ruby reactor, require 'em/pure_ruby'

Workaround: Reinstall eventmachine with --platform ruby.

gem uninstall eventmachine  (select all versions if prompted)
gem install eventmachine --platform ruby


The primary usage documentation is in the help output of lmcadm:

$ lmcadm help


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

Using a local version of the lmc gem

Set the environment variable LMCADM_PATH_DEP to 1 to use the lmc gem from ../ruby-lmc. Example: $ LMCADM_PATH_DEP=1 bundle exec lmcadm --version

Building an exe for windows using ocra

  • Apply workaround reinstalling eventmachine (see above)
  • run ocra.sh


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/lmcadm. The sentence above is patently wrong currently.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.

Advanced usage or experimental features

Using lmcadm to query monitoring data

Example use:

lmcadm monitor -A "ExampleProject" raw device_info cloud_rtt 42adf60b-0fe7-4187-af4f-9ee97669bfb0

--type scalar (default)

When specifying a period longer than MINUTE1, the name must be suffixed with a dot, followed by an aggregation type. Available types are

  • .min
  • .max
  • .avg

Example use:

$ lmcadm monitor -A "ExampleProject" raw --type scalar --period MINUTE10 \
    device_info cloud_rtt.max 3e19ada7-86fa-4809-a14e-7174b018603d

--type json

This dumps the raw values response as json. To further extract data, use something that can parse json, like jq[1].

Example use:

$lmcadm monitor -A "ExampleProject" raw --type json --period MINUTE1 \
   wan_info_json interfaces a6871a81-84f3-4c57-a20e-c3410b47e895  | jq ' .[]["DSL-CH-1"].rxRate'

--type table

Prints table data as one row per sample. Empty row handling is shaky, as is error handling in general.

$ lmcadm  monitor -A "ExampleProject" raw --type table device_info \
   device 3a096938-87b4-47c8-a388-fda75f30eacc
29        | 1        | 19512712 | 248064       | 27228       | 513704725  | 291602474  | 119108008     | 936963871    
29        | 0        | 19512652 | 248064       | 27228       | 513701635  | 291600722  | 119107296     | 936957306    
30        | 1        | 19512592 | 248064       | 27228       | 513698545  | 291598970  | 119106584     | 936950729    
77        | 6        | 19512533 | 248064       | 27228       | 513695455  | 291597218  | 119105872     | 936944149    


[1] https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/