Locastyle Gem

This GEM build a first application structure from your rails project.


gem 'locastyle-rails'



rails g locastyle:install

This command made a shared folder inside your app/views/layouts, overwrite your application.html.erb with boilerplate structure from locastyle.

Use bin/rails generate to create your models and controllers To see all available options, run it without parameters.

Set up a root route to replace this page You're seeing this page because you're running in development mode and you haven't set a root route yet.

Routes are set up in config/routes.rb

+-- app/views/layouts
|   +-- application.html.erb
|   +-- shared
|   +-- +-- _sidebar.html.erb
|   +-- +-- _sidebar_notifications.html.erb
|   +-- +-- _topbar.html.erb