Logstash Output Plugin for Azure Blob Storage

This is an output plugin for Logstash. It is fully free and open source. The license is Apache 2.0. This plugin was forked from https://github.com/tuffk/Logstash-output-to-Azure-Blob and updated to use the latest Azure Storage Ruby SDK


I am not a Ruby developer and may not be able to respond efficently to issues or bugs. Please take this into consideration when using this plugin

  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 accounts are not currently supported.
  • Managed Identities and Service Principles are currently not supported for auth.



bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-azureblob

On Ubuntu the default path is /usr/share/logstash/bin/


Information about configuring Logstash can be found in the Logstash configuration guide.

You will need to configure this plugin before sending events from Logstash to an Azure Storage Account. The following example shows the minimum you need to provide:

output {
    azure_blob {
        storage_account_name => "my-azure-account"    # required
        storage_access_key => "my-super-secret-key"   # required
        container_name => "my-container"              # required
        size_file => 1024*1024*5                      # optional
        time_file => 10                               # optional
        restore => true                               # optional
        temporary_directory => "path/to/directory"    # optional
        prefix => "a_prefix"                          # optional
        upload_queue_size => 2                        # optional
        upload_workers_count => 1                     # optional
        rotation_strategy_val => "size_and_time"      # optional
        tags => []                                    # optional
        encoding => "none"                            # optional

Example with syslog

input {
    syslog {
        port => "5514"
        type => "syslog"
        codec => cef

output {
    azure_blob {
        storage_account_name => "<account-name>"
        storage_access_key => "<access-key>"
        container_name => "<container-name>"


  1. Install Dependencies

    rake vendor
    bundle install
  2. Build the plugin

    gem build logstash-output-azureblob.gemspec
  3. Install Locally

    /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install /usr/share/logstash/logstash-output-azureblob-0.9.0.gem
  4. Test with configuration file

    /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f blob.conf


All contributions are welcome: ideas, patches, documentation, bug reports, and complaints. For more information about contributing, see the CONTRIBUTING file.