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LooseLeaf is a Rails Engine that allows Real-Time collaboration between users.

LooseLeaf is still a work in progress, and currently only text attributes may be collaboratively text editor.

This project inspired by Collabrate


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'together'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Getting Started


You will need to have ActionCable set up. In particular, you will need an ApplicationCable::Channel and ApplicationCable::Connection.

More information about setting up ActionCable can be found in its README.

Model Setup

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Include the LooseLeaf::Document concern
  include LooseLeaf::Document

  # Choose which attributes may be edited collaboratively
  collaborative_attributes :body, :title

Adding collaborative_attributes will define an extra attribute on the model prefixed with collaborative_ (e.g collaborative_body). We must use that over body whenever we wish to allow realtime collaboration.

Bear in mind that the collaborative_ attributes are stored only in the Rails cache. You must save these attributes where appropriate:

document = Document.first
document.body = document.collaborative_body

# Or, using the commit_collaborative_attributes convenience method:

document.commit_collaborative_attributes(:body, :title)

Channel Setup

You will need to set up a collaboration channel for each model that is being collaboratively edited.

class DocumentChannel < LooseLeaf::CollaborationChannel

  # Set the Model class that we are editing.
  def collaborative_model


As mentioned in Model Setup, we must use collaborative_ attributes over normal attributes when getting the values of collaborative attributes:

<%# app/views/documents/show.html.erb %>

<input id="title" type="text" value="<%= @document.collaborative_title %>">

<textarea id="body" rows="8" cols="40"><%= @document.collaborative_body %></textarea>

<%= link_to 'Back', documents_path %>

var documentId = <%= @document.id %>


Standard - JavaScript Style Guide


Add loose-leaf to your application.coffee asset, after actionable:

#= require cable
#= require loose-leaf

Then, wherever appropriate:

// Create a new ActionCable consumer
const cable = Cable.createConsumer('ws://localhost:28080')

// Set up our collaboration object. `documentId` is (as you may expect) the ID
// of the document that is being edited.
const looseLeaf = new LooseLeaf(cable, 'DocumentChannel', documentId)

// We now specify the two attributes we are editing.
collaborativeTitle = looseLeaf.addAttribute('title')
collaborativeBody = looseLeaf.addAttribute('body')

new LooseLeaf.Adapters.TextAreaAdapter(collaborativeTitle, '#title')
new LooseLeaf.Adapters.TextAreaAdapter(collaborativeBody, '#body')

npm or yuan

npm install loose-leaf