Mail Relayer

This project is an attempt to simplify relaying incoming emails, e.g. to ActionMailbox.


  1. gem install mail-relayer

  2. Then pipe the email content from STDIN to mail-relayer executable. You need to specify the target URL and password (HTTP Basic Auth) either via command line arguments or via environment variables.

  3. Profit


  • target URL: --url or MAIL_RELAYER_URL
  • ingress username: --ingress-username or MAIL_RELAYER_INGRESS_USERNAME (optional, default: mail_relayer)
  • ingress password: --ingress-password or MAIL_RELAYER_INGRESS_PASSWORD


  1. Install ruby - see .ruby-version
  2. Install bundler - gem install bundler
  3. Install dependencies - bundle install


  • rake test runs all MiniTest tests in /test
  • rubocop run static code checks

Build / Release

  1. Update version number in VERSION if required.
  2. gem build mail-relayer.gemspec
  3. gem install ./mail-relayer-<VERSION>.gem to install locally