Class: Mail::ReplyToField

CommonAddressField show all
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Reply-To Field

The Reply-To field inherits reply-to StructuredField and handles the Reply-To: header field in the email.

Sending reply_to to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that has a ReplyToField as its field type. This includes all Mail::CommonAddress module instance metods.

Only one Reply-To field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple addresses and groups of addresses.


mail =
mail.reply_to = 'Mikel Lindsaar <[email protected]>, [email protected]'
mail.reply_to    #=> ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
mail[:reply_to]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4
mail['reply-to'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4
mail['Reply-To'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4

mail[:reply_to].encoded   #=> 'Reply-To: Mikel Lindsaar <[email protected]>, [email protected]\r\n'
mail[:reply_to].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <[email protected]>, [email protected]'
mail[:reply_to].addresses #=> ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
mail[:reply_to].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <[email protected]>', '[email protected]']

Constant Summary collapse




Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from CommonField

#charset, #errors, #name, #value

Method Summary

Methods inherited from CommonAddressField

#<<, #address, #addresses, #addrs, #decoded_group_addresses, #default, #display_names, #each, #element, #encode_if_needed, #encoded_group_addresses, #formatted, #group_addresses, #group_names, #groups, #initialize, singular?

Methods inherited from NamedStructuredField


Methods inherited from CommonField

#decoded, #default, #element, #encoded, #initialize, parse, #parse, #responsible_for?, #singular?, singular?, #to_s

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Mail::CommonAddressField