
Gem Version CI

Ruby client for the Mailbluster API.

Quick start

gem install mailbluster

or with bundler:

bundler add mailbluster

then configure the gem:

Mailbluster.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'your-api-key'

or with environment variables:

env MAILBLUSTER_API_KEY=your-api-key ruby app.rb

or directly on the Client instance:

mailbluster_client ='your-api-key')


mailbluster_client =
lead = mailbluster_client.leads.create(email: '[email protected]')
puts lead.inspect # => #<Mailbluster::Resource @resource_type=#<Mailbluster::ResourceType::Lead>, @raw_attributes={"id"=>262093545 ...}> # => #<Mailbluster::Resource @resource_type=#<Mailbluster::ResourceType::Lead>, @raw_attributes={"id"=>262093545 ...}>

Sample Attributes to create Lead

create_lead_attributes = {
  "firstName" => "Richard",
  "lastName" => "Hendricks",
  "fields" => {
    "gender" => "Male",
    "address" => "Silicon Valley"
  "email" => "[email protected]",
  "ipAddress" => "",
  "subscribed" => false,
  "doubleOptIn" => true,
  "meta" => {
    "company" => "Pied Piper",
    "role" => "CEO"
  "tags" => [
    "iPhone User",
  "overrideExisting" => true

Demo script

In the bin directory, there is a demo script that you can run to see how to use the gem and to create example leads in Mailbluster. You can run it like this:

env MAILBLUSTER_API_KEY=your-api-key ruby bin/demo

Mailbluster API Documentation

Official documentation for the Mailbluster API can be found at

Detailed mailbluster-ruby documentation


If you want to report a bug, or have ideas, feedback or questions about the gem, let me know via GitHub issues and I will do my best to provide a helpful answer. Happy hacking!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of conduct

Everyone interacting in this project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Contribution guide

Pull requests are welcome!