

Name Type Description Notes
id String a unique indentifier for the subaccount [optional]
name String an optional display name for the subaccount [optional]
notes String optional extra text to associate with the subaccount [optional]
custom_quota Integer an optional manual hourly quota for the subaccount. If not specified, the hourly quota will be managed based on reputation [optional]
status String the current sending status of the subaccount [optional]
reputation Integer the subaccount's current reputation on a scale from 0 to 100 [optional]
created_at DateTime the date and time that the subaccount was created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format [optional]
first_sent_at DateTime the date and time that the subaccount first sent as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format [optional]
sent_weekly Integer the number of emails the subaccount has sent so far this week (weeks start on midnight Monday, UTC) [optional]
sent_monthly Integer the number of emails the subaccount has sent so far this month (months start on midnight of the 1st, UTC) [optional]
sent_total Integer the number of emails the subaccount has sent since it was created [optional]
sent_hourly Integer the number of emails the subaccount has sent in the last hour [optional]
hourly_quota Integer the current hourly quota for the subaccount, either manual or reputation-based [optional]
last_30_days InlineResponse20049Last30Days [optional]