

Name Type Description Notes
slug String the immutable unique code name of the template [optional]
name String the name of the template [optional]
labels Array<String> the list of labels applied to the template [optional]
code String the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version [optional]
subject String the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version [optional]
from_email String the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version [optional]
from_name String the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version [optional]
text String the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version [optional]
publish_name String the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility [optional]
publish_code String the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published [optional]
publish_subject String the subject line of the template, if provided [optional]
publish_from_email String the default sender address for the template, if provided [optional]
publish_from_name String the default sender from name for the template, if provided [optional]
publish_text String the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided [optional]
published_at DateTime the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published [optional]
created_at DateTime the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format [optional]
updated_at DateTime the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format [optional]