Mailgun API Action Mailer Adapter

A simple Mailgun API Action Mailer adapter.

The alternatives try to recreate The Matrix, while others just utilize the config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp. Why make a gem for that? Here is what Mailgun says "Send with SMTP or API".


Plop the gem into your Gemfile.

gem 'mailgun-api-rails'

Run the bundle command.

$ bundle

Set the delivery_method to :mailgun in config/application.rb or your environment specific configuration. When it comes to the mailgun_settings, I just map them from my .env file

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :mailgun

## Settings
config.action_mailer.mailgun_settings = {
  domain:       ENV['MAILGUN_DOMAIN'],
  api_key:      ENV['MAILGUN_API_KEY'],       
  api_base_url: ENV['MAILGUN_API_BASE_URL']   ##

Boom. Done. Works with devise_mail as well.