Module: MiqLinux

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: FileWTMP, InitProcs, OSInfo, Packages, Systemd, Users, Utils

Constant Summary collapse

InitProcHash =
  "2xthinclientserver"     => "Supports thin clients",
  "3dwm-server"            => "Binary server daemon",
  "acct"                   => "GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting",
  "acpid"                  => "Utilities for using ACPI power management",
  "acquire"                => "Knowledge base editor and integrated inference engin",
  "adjtimex"               => "Utility to display or set the kernel time variables",
  "afs"                    => "DeanSoft Co.,Ltd.                       [email protected]",
  "aime"                   => "Advanced Interactive Mudding Environment",
  "alamin-server"          => "Alamin GSM SMS Gateway server",
  "alkahest"               => "Alkahest by the Alkahest Initiative     [email protected]",
  "allianz"                => "Allianz Insurance                       [email protected]",
  "alsa"                   => "ALSA driver configuration files",
  "amavis"                 => "AMaViS Development Team                 [email protected]",
  "amavisd"                => "AMaViS Development Team                 [email protected]",
  "amavis-postfix"         => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "am-utils"               => "Automounter utilities",
  "anacron"                => "Executes commands at intervals",
  "and"                    => "Auto Nice Daemon",
  "apache"                 => "Versatile, high-performance HTTP server",
  "apache-perl"            => "Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with Perl support",
  "apache-ssl"             => "Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with SSL support",
  "apcd"                   => "APC Smart UPS daemon",
  "apcupsd"                => "APC UPS Power Management (daemon)",
  "apmd"                   => "Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)",
  "aprsd"                  => "Internet Gateway for the Automatic Position Reporting System",
  "argus"                  => "IP network transaction auditing tool",
  "arkeia"                 => "Arkeia Corporation                      [email protected]",
  "arla"                   => "A free client for the AFS distributed network filesystem",
  "armtech"                => "Aurema Pty Ltd                          [email protected]",
  "arpd"                   => "User-space ARP daemon",
  "arpwatch"               => "Ethernet/FDDI station activity monitor",
  "asdis"                  => "ASDIS Software AG                       [email protected]",
  "aspera"                 => "Aspera, Inc.                            [email protected]",
  "atd"                    => "Delayed job execution and batch processing",
  "atftpd"                 => "Advanced TFTP server",
  "atm"                    => "Base programs for ATM in Linux",
  "atokx"                  => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "aumix"                  => "Simple text-based mixer control program",
  "aumix-gtk"              => "Simple mixer control program with GUI and text interfaces",
  "autofs"                 => "Kernel-based automounter for Linux",
  "backupexpress"          => "Backup Express by Syncsort, Inc.        [email protected]",
  "bayonne"                => "Telephony server of the GNU project",
  "bind"                   => "Internet Domain Name Server",
  "bind9"                  => "Internet Domain Name Server",
  "binfmt-support"         => "Support for extra binary formats",
  "binkd"                  => "FidoTech TCP/IP mailer",
  "bird"                   => "Internet Routing Daemon",
  "bl"                     => "Blink Keyboard LEDs",
  "blinkd"                 => "Blinks keyboard LEDs",
  "blootbot"               => "Severely modified infobot for IRC",
  "bluetooth"              => "Bluetooth stack utilities",
  "bnetd"                  => "Gaming server that emulates",
  "boa"                    => "Lightweight and high performance web server",
  ""            => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "bootparamd"             => "Boot parameter server",
  "bpalogin"               => "Login client for the Telstra Bigpond Cable Network (Australia)",
  "bpowerd"                => "Program to monitor Best Power Patriot and Patriot Plus UPSs under Linux",
  "brltty"                 => "Access software for a blind person using a braille display",
  "bwbar"                  => "Generates text and graphical readout of current bandwidth use",
  "bzflagserver"           => "BZFlag game server",
  "caantivirus"            => "Computer Associates antivirus",
  "callweaver"             => "Eris Associates Limited                 [email protected]",
  "camserv"                => "Stream live video out onto the web",
  "camserv-relay"          => "Relay camserv video stream for load balancing purposes",
  "canna"                  => "Japanese input system (server and dictionary)",
  "capisuite"              => "Fax and voice box solution for ISDN/CAPI capable devices",
  "caudium"                => "Extensible WWW server written in Pike",
  "centrifydc"             => "Centrify Direct Control Suite           [email protected]",
  "cern-httpd"             => "Generic, full featured server for serving files using the HTTP protocol",
  "cfsd"                   => "Cryptographic Filesystem",
  "chainmail"              => "Caversham Computer Services Ltd.        [email protected]",
  ""             => "Checkpoint and Block Level Incremental Backup (BLIB) File System",
  ""           => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "chrony"                 => "Sets your computer's clock from time servers on the Net",
  "cipe"                   => "Files for the CIPE",
  "ciphire"                => "Ciphire Labs                            le at",
  "ciphire-gw"             => "Ciphire Labs                            le at",
  "ciphire-proxy"          => "Ciphire Labs                            le at",
  "cjdbc"                  => "ObjectWeb Consortium                    [email protected]",
  "clamd"                  => "ClamAV anti-virus software              [email protected]",
  "cnewsclean"             => "Simple news server",
  "connectgate"            => "Lymeware Corporation                    [email protected]",
  "conserver-server"       => "Allows multiple users to watch a serial console at the same time",
  "console-cyrillic"       => "Better Cyrillic support for Linux console",
  "console-log"            => "Puts a logfile pager on virtual consoles",
  ""  => "Console Screen keyboard",
  ""      => "Console Screen",
  "conwrks"                => "ConsoleWorks by TECSys Development, Inc [email protected]",
  "courier-authdaemon"     => "Courier authentication daemon",
  "courier-imap"           => "Courier Mail Server - IMAP server",
  "courier-imap-ssl"       => "Courier Mail Server - IMAP over SSL",
  "courier-mta"            => "Courier Mail Server - ESMTP daemon",
  "courier-mta-ssl"        => "Courier Mail Server - ESMTP daemon over SSL",
  "courier-pcp"            => "Courier Mail Server - PCP server",
  "courier-pop"            => "Courier Mail Server - POP3 server",
  "courier-pop-ssl"        => "Courier Mail Server - POP3 server over SSL",
  "cpoint"                 => "Caversham Computer Services Ltd.        [email protected]",
  "cprocsp"                => "Crypto-Pro, Ltd                         [email protected]",
  "craits"                 => "Caversham Computer Services Ltd.        [email protected]",
  "crms"                   => "SVI Retail                              [email protected]",
  "cron"                   => "Management of regular background processing",
  "crond"                  => "Management of regular background processing",
  "crossfire-server"       => "Server for Crossfire Games",
  "cst"                    => "CST GmbH                                [email protected]",
  "cucipop"                => "Implementation of the RFC1939 POP3 protocol",
  "cups"                   => "Common UNIX Printing System(tm)",
  "cupsys"                 => "Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server",
  "cvsupd"                 => "Server program for the CVSup network distribution package",
  "daltoneyes"             => "Objective Pathology Systems             [email protected]",
  "dancer-ircd"            => "IRC server designed for centrally maintained network",
  "dancer-services"        => "IRC services implementation for dancer-ircd",
  "danted"                 => "SOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon",
  "db2icd"                 => "IBM DB2 Universal Database Information  [email protected]",
  "dbbalancer"             => "Database connection pooling, load balancing and write-replication",
  "ddclient"               => "Update dynamic IP address at",
  "ddt-client"             => "Client side implementation of the DDTP protocol",
  "ddt-server"             => "Dynamic DNS Tools Server - DDTP protocol",
  "decnet"                 => "Digital Equipment Corporation NETwork (",
  "devfsd"                 => "Daemon for the device file system",
  ""              => "Provides an interface to pseudo terminal (pty) devices",
  "dhclient"               => "Internet Software Consortium DHCP Client,",
  "dhcp"                   => "DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment",
  "dhcp3-relay"            => "DHCP relay daemon",
  "dhcp3-server"           => "DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment",
  "dhcpcd"                 => "DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking",
  "dhcp-relay"             => "DHCP relay daemon",
  "dhid"                   => "Dynamic Host Information System (DHIS) client",
  "dhttpd"                 => "Minimal secure webserver without cgi-bin support",
  "diablo"                 => "Comprehensive newsfeeding and newsreading software package",
  "diald"                  => "dial on demand daemon for PPP and SLIP",
  "dictd"                  => "Dictionary Server",
  "discover"               => "Hardware identification system",
  "distributed-net"        => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "distributed-net-pproxy" => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "dnet-progs"             => "DECnet user programs and daemons",
  "dns-clean"              => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "dnsmasq"                => "Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP server",
  "docview"                => "Caldera Systems Inc. dba The SCO Group  [email protected]",
  "dqs"                    => "Distributed Queueing System",
  "drac"                   => "Dynamic Relay Authorization Control ",
  "drbd"                   => "The DRBD development team               [email protected]",
  "dvb"                    => "SUSE LINUX Products GmbH                [email protected]",
  "ekahau-engine"          => "Ekahau, Inc                             [email protected]",
  "eloquence"              => "Marxmeier Software AG                   [email protected]",
  "elvind"                 => "Mantara Software                        [email protected]",
  "emwin"                  => "Weather Data processing",
  "epos"                   => "Text-to-speech system",
  "esound"                 => "Enlightened Sound Daemon",
  "evms"                   => "Enterprise Volume Management System (core)",
  "exim"                   => "Obsolete MTA (Mail Transport Agent), replaced by exim4",
  "ez-ipupdate"            => "Client for most dynamic DNS services",
  "faximum"                => "Faximum Software Inc.                   [email protected]",
  "fcron"                  => "Cron-like scheduler with extended capabilities",
  "festival"               => "General multi-lingual speech synthesis system",
  "fetchmail"              => "SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder",
  "fidogate"               => "Fido-Internet gateway and a Fido tosser",
  "filterproxy"            => "Perl script that acts as a generic web proxy",
  "firestarter"            => "Gtk program for managing and observing your firewal",
  "firewall-easy"          => "Easy to use packet filter firewall",
  "fma"                    => "Fabric Management Agent                 [email protected]",
  "frad"                   => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "freenet"                => "Tunnel to freenet",
  "freenet6"               => "IPv6 tunnel to freenet6 (transitional package)",
  "freenet-unstable"       => "Decentralised network of nodes designed to allow for efficient distribution of information over the Interne",
  "freeradius"             => "High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server",
  "freewnn-cserver"        => "Chinese input system",
  "freewnn-jserver"        => "Japanese input system",
  "freewnn-kserver"        => "Korean input system",
  "freewnn-tserver"        => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "frox"                   => "Transparent caching ftp proxy",
  "fsg"                    => "The Free Standards Group                [email protected]",
  "ftp-proxy"              => "Application level proxy for the FTP protocol",
  "fwctl"                  => "Configure ipchains firewall using higher level abstraction",
  "fwlogwatch"             => "Firewall log analyzer",
  "galaxy"                 => "CommVault Galaxy                        [email protected]",
  "garpd"                  => "Microcraft AB Garp                      [email protected]",
  "gcpegg"                 => "Global Consciousness Project EGG Software",
  "gdm"                    => "GNOME Display Manager",
  "gdomap"                 => "Used by GNUstep programs to look up distributed objects of running processes",
  "geas"                   => "GNU Enterprise Application Server ",
  "geneweb"                => "Genealogy software with web interface",
  "genpower"               => "Monitor UPS and handle line power failures",
  "gidentd"                => "RFC1413 compliant IPv4/IPv6 ident daemon",
  "gigaset"                => "Siemens Gigaset ISDN device drivers     [email protected]",
  "getport"                => "University of Utah Office of IT         [email protected]",
  "gm"                     => "Glenn's Messages                        [email protected]",
  "gnudip"                 => "Scripts for dynamic IP to name mappings",
  "gom"                    => "Command line and interactive ncurses-based OSS audio mixer",
  "gopherd"                => "Distributed Hypertext, Gopher protocol",
  "gpm"                    => "General Purpose Mouse Interface",
  "guarddog"               => "Firewall configuration utility for KDE",
  "gwava"                  => "Beginfinite, Inc                        [email protected]",
  "gwavaman"               => "Beginfinite, Inc                        [email protected]",
  "gwava-poa"              => "Beginfinite, Inc                        [email protected]",
  "haldaemon"              => "Danny Kukawka                           [email protected]",
  "halt"                   => "Stop all running processes on a system cleanly",
  "heartbeat"              => "Subsystem for High-Availability Linux",
  "heimdal-kdc"            => "Heimdal Kerberos - key distribution center (KDC)",
  "hostname.dhcp"          => "Utility to set/show the host name or domain name",
  ""            => "Utility to set/show the host name or domain name",
  "hotplug"                => "Linux Hotplug Scripts",
  "hplip"                  => "HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP)",
  "hpoj"                   => "HP OfficeJet Linux driver (hpoj)",
  "hpsockd"                => "HP SOCKS server",
  "httpd"                  => "HTTP daemon",
  ""        => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  ""             => "Query and set the hardware clock (RTC)",
  "hwtools"                => "Collection of tools for low-level hardware management",
  "hylafax"                => "Flexible client/server fax software",
  "iagent"                 => "Lymeware Corporation                    [email protected]",
  "iagent3"                => "Lymeware Corporation                    [email protected]",
  "icecast-server"         => "MPEG Layer III Streaming Server",
  "identd"                 => "ident daemon",
  "ifupdown"               => "High level tools to configure network interfaces",
  "inet"                   => "International NETworking conference (conference),",
  "inetd"                  => "Responsible for starting most of the network services.",
  ""        => "Tools to create initrd image for prepackaged Linux kernel",
  "inn"                    => "News transport system",
  "inn2"                   => "'InterNetNews' news server",
  "intel-rng-tools"        => "Daemon to use the RNG on i810 motherboards",
  "interchange"            => "E-commerce and general HTTP database display system",
  "ipac"                   => "IP accounting configuration and statistics tool",
  "ipac-ng"                => "IP Accounting for iptables",
  "ipfm"                   => "Bandwidth analysis tool",
  "ipip"                   => "IP over IP Encapsulation Daemon",
  "ipmasq"                 => "Securely initializes IP Masquerade forwarding/firewalling",
  "ipmasq-kmod"            => "Sets up IP Masquerading kernel modules using the insmod command",
  "ipmi"                   => "OpenIPMI Project                        [email protected]",
  "ippl"                   => "IP protocols logger",
  "ipsec"                  => "IPsec for Linux",
  "iptables"               => "Administration tools for packet filtering and NAT",
  "ipvsadm"                => "Linux Virtual Server support programs",
  "ipx"                    => "Utilities to configure the kernel ipx interface",
  "ipxripd"                => "IPX RIP/SAP daemon",
  "ircd"                   => "IRC Server daemon - dummy package",
  "irda"                   => "Infrared devices",
  "irq_balancer"           => "Daemon to balance interrupts",
  "isapnp"                 => "ISA Plug-And-Play",
  "isdn"                   => "Integrated Services Digital Network",
  "isdnactivecards"        => "Support utilities for active ISDN cards",
  "isdneurofile"           => "ISDN eurofile transfer tool",
  "isdnutils"              => "ISDN-related packages and utilities",
  "ivman"                  => "Daemon to auto-mount and manage media devices",
  "ixbiff"                 => "Notify user when mail arrives by blinking keyboard LEDs",
  "jabber"                 => "Instant messaging server using the Jabber/XMPP protocol",
  "jail"                   => "Just Another ICMP Logger",
  "jboss"                  => "JBoss Application, SUSE CR s.r.o.       [email protected]",
  "jftpgw"                 => "Joe's FTP Proxy/Gateway",
  "jmon"                   => "Distributed resource monitor",
  "jonas"                  => "JOnAS, ObjectWeb Consortium             [email protected]",
  "jove"                   => "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful editor",
  "joystick"               => "Testing and calibration tools",
  "jserv"                  => "Java Servlet 2.0 engine",
  "jslaunch"               => "Joystick button shell command execution/shutdown tool",
  "junkbuster"             => "Instrumentable proxy that filters the HTTP stream between web servers and browsers",
  "kannel"                 => "WAP and SMS gateway",
  "kdm"                    => "X display manager for KDE",
  "keep"                   => "Backup system for KDE",
  "keepd"                  => "Backup system for KDE",
  "kerberos4kth-kdc"       => "KDC for Kerberos4 from KTH",
  ""              => "Keyboard map decision tree builder and interpreter",
  "kimberlite"             => "High Availability Clustering Package",
  "klisa"                  => "LAN information service",
  "klogd"                  => "Kernel Logging Daemon",
  "krb5-admin-server"      => "MIT Kerberos master server (kadmind)",
  "krb5-kdc"               => "MIT Kerberos key server (KDC)",
  "kudzu"                  => "Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool.",
  "l2tpd"                  => "Layer 2 tunneling protocol implementation",
  "lambdamoo"              => "Server for an online multiuser virtual world",
  "laptop-net"             => "Automatically adapt laptop ethernet",
  "latd"                   => "LAT (Local Area Transport) Daemon",
  "lcd4linux"              => "Grabs information and displays it on an external lcd",
  "LCDd"                   => "Loss of Cell Delineation (UNI, ATM)",
  "ldirectord"             => "Monitors virtual services provided by LVS",
  "leeuwenhoek"            => "Objective Pathology Systems             [email protected]",
  "ledd"                   => "LED control",
  "chipcardd3"             => "Martin Preuss                           [email protected]",
  "linesrv"                => "Server to remotely control the internet connection",
  "linuxconf"              => "Extremely capable system configuration tool for Linux",
  "linuxlogo"              => "Color ANSI System Logo",
  "lirc"                   => "Infra-red remote control support",
  "lmsd"                   => "LAN Management System Daemon",
  "log2mail"               => "Daemon watching logfiles and mailing lines matching patterns",
  "lokkit"                 => "Firewalling",
  "lpd"                    => "Line printer daemon",
  "lpd-ppd"                => "Line printer daemon",
  "lprng"                  => "Lpr/lpd printer spooling system",
  "lsf"                    => "Load sharing facility",
  "lsh-server"             => "Secure Shell v2 (SSH2) protocol server",
  "lvm"                    => "Logical Volume Manager",
  "lwresd"                 => "Lightweight Resolver Daemon",
  "lyskom-server"          => "Server for the LysKOM conference system",
  "mailscanner"            => "Email virus scanner and spam tagge",
  "makedev"                => "Creates device files in /dev",
  "mandate"                => "ADS Specialists, Inc.                   [email protected]",
  "mandateip"              => "ADS Specialists, Inc.                   [email protected]",
  "maradns"                => "Simple security-aware Domain Name Service server",
  "mas"                    => "mas by Shiman Associates Inc            [email protected]",
  "mason"                  => "Interactively creates a Linux packet filtering firewall",
  "masqmail"               => "mailer for hosts without permanent internet connection",
  "maxdb"                  => "MaxDB database system",
  "mcserv"                 => "Server program for the Midnight Commander networking file system",
  "mdadm"                  => "Tool to administer Linux MD arrays",
  "mdadm-raid"             => "Tool to administer Linux MD arrays",
  "mdctl"                  => "Used to control Linux MD devices",
  "mdctl-raid"             => "Used to control Linux MD devices",
  "mdidentd"               => "Special ident daemon that permits processes to set their own fake ident replies",
  "medusa"                 => "Fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services",
  "mgetty-fax"             => "Faxing tools for mgetty",
  "microcode.ctl"          => "Intel IA32 CPU Microcode Utility",
  "mimersql"               => "Upright Database Technology AB Mimer SQ [email protected]",
  "modutils"               => "Linux module utilities",
  "momonga"                => "Momonga Project",
  "mon"                    => "Monitor hosts/services/whatever and alert about problems",
  "mopd"                   => "Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) loader daemon",
  "mosix"                  => "Utilities to administer a mosix cluster node",
  ""            => "Mounts filesystems according to a file_system_table",
  "mountfix"               => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  ""            => "Startup Item to mount NFS filesystems",
  "mpagent"                => "Grid MP Platform by United Devices      [email protected]",
  "mpservices"             => "Grid MP Platform by United Devices      [email protected]",
  "mpwebsvc"               => "Grid MP Platform by United Devices      [email protected]",
  "mrouted"                => "Implementation of the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol ",
  "msec-daemon"            => "Provide generic secure level to the Mandrake Linux users.",
  "msec-milter"            => "Provide generic secure level to the Mandrake Linux users.",
  "mserv"                  => "Local centralised multiuser music server",
  "mserver"                => "Network Modem Server",
  "mt-st"                  => "Linux SCSI tape driver aware magnetic tape control",
  "muddleftpd"             => "Flexible and efficient FTP daemon",
  "murasaki"               => "Another HotPlug Agent",
  "mwavem"                 => "Mwave/ACP modem support",
  "mx"                     => "Script is used to start and stop the MX server and update processes",
  "mysql"                  => "MySQL Server",
  "named"                  => "Internet domain name server",
  "nas"                    => "Network Audio System",
  "nbd-client"             => "Network Block Device client",
  "nbd-server"             => "Network Block Device server",
  "net-acct"               => "User-mode IP accounting daemon",
  "netatalk"               => "AppleTalk user binaries",
  "netenv"                 => "Configure your system for different network environments",
  "nethack"                => "Nethack dungeon crawl game",
  "netobjd"                => "Network Object agent daemon ",
  "netperf"                => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "netplan"                => "Network server for `plan'",
  "netsaint"               => "Netsaint",
  "netsaint-statd"         => "Netsaint_statd plugins",
  "netvsn"                 => "NetVision, Inc                          [email protected]",
  "netvision"              => "NetVision, Inc                          [email protected]",
  "network"                => "Simple network configuration",
  "networking"             => "Simple network configuration",
  "newscache"              => "NewsCache project Herbert Straub        [email protected]",
  "nfs"                    => "Network file system",
  "nfs-common"             => "NFS support files common to client and server",
  "nfs-kernel-server"      => "Support for NFS kernel server",
  "nfslock"                => "Takes care of starting and stopping the NFS file locking service",
  "nfs-user-server"        => "User space NFS server",
  "nis"                    => "Clients and daemons for the Network Information Services",
  "nmb"                    => "Part of the samba package",
  "nntpcache"              => "Proxy cache newsgroups",
  "noffle"                 => "Offline news server",
  "noflushd"               => "Allow idle hard disks to spin down",
  "nscd"                   => "Network Characterization Service daemon",
  "nsmon"                  => "Intranet/internet server checker",
  "ntop"                   => "Display network usage in top-like format",
  "ntp"                    => "Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs",
  "ntpdate"                => "Client for setting system time from NTP servers",
  "nullmailer"             => "Simple relay-only mail transport agent",
  "nut"                    => "Core system of the nut - Network UPS Tools",
  "nviboot"                => "Script to recover nvi edit sessions",
  "nvi-m17n"               => "Multilingual version of nvi ",
  "nvi-m17n-canna"         => "Multilingual version of nvi ",
  "nz"                     => "Netezza Corp.                           [email protected]",
  "oftpd"                  => "Secure anonymous FTP server",
  "oidentd"                => "Replacement ident daemon",
  "omniorb-nameserver"     => "CORBA ORB - nameserver",
  "omreports"              => "University of Utah Office of IT         [email protected]",
  "oops"                   => "Caching HTTP proxy server written for performance",
  "openafs-client"         => "AFS distributed filesystem client support",
  "openafs-fileserver"     => "AFS distributed filesystem file server",
  "opengate"               => "Opengate Voice over IP gatekeeper",
  "openh323gk"             => "H.323 gatekeeper controls all H.323 clients ",
  "openmanage"             => "Dell OpenManage Server ",
  "openmosix"              => "Utilities to administer an openmosix node",
  "oss-preserve"           => "Program to save/restore OSS mixer settings",
  "otrs"                   => "Open Ticket Request System",
  "ovpa"                   => "HP OpenView Performance Agent",
  "panthera"               => "Panthera Systems                        [email protected]",
  "partimaged"             => "Partition imaging utility:",
  "pcmcia"                 => "Personal Computer Memory Card International Association",
  "pcscd"                  => "PCSC Lite resource manager daemon",
  "pdns"                   => "PowerDNS",
  "pdnsd"                  => "Proxy DNS Server",
  "peerfs"                 => "PeerFS Replicating Filesystem",
  "perdition"              => "POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server",
  "pipsecd"                => "IPsec tunnel implementation",
  "pkspxy"                 => "PGP Public Key Server Proxy Daemon",
  "plex86"                 => "PC virtualization program to run x86 operating systems",
  "plptools"               => "Access a Psion PDA over a serial link",
  "pmxs"                   => "Preprocessor for MusiXTeX",
  "popa3d"                 => "A tiny POP3 daemon, designed with security as the primary goal",
  "pop-before-smtp"        => "Watch log for POP/IMAP auth, notify MTA to allow relay",
  "portmap"                => "RPC portmapper",
  "portsentry"             => "Portscan detection daemon",
  "postfix"                => "High-performance mail transport agent",
  "postgresql"             => "PostgreSQL Database server",
  "postgrey"               => "Greylisting implementation for Postfix",
  "powerfail"              => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "powersaved"             => "Power management daemon",
  "powertweakd"            => "Tool to tune system for optimal performance",
  "powstatd"               => "Configurable UPS monitoring daemon",
  "ppp"                    => "Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon",
  "pptpd"                  => "PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server",
  "prime-net"              => "Internet PrimeNet Server",
  ""              => "/proc file system utilities",
  "proftpd"                => "Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon",
  "pure-ftpd"              => "Pure-FTPd FTP server",
  "pvss"                   => "PVSS by ETM Aktiengesellschaft          [email protected]",
  "pwcheck"                => "Unix pwcheck daemon login authentication",
  "qmail"                  => "Qmail MTA",
  "qpage"                  => "Sends messages to a paging terminal using the SNPP and IXO (also known as TAP) protocols",
  "qsnet"                  => "High speed interconnect designed by Quadrics used in HPC clusters",
  "queue"                  => "Transparent load balancing system",
  "quota"                  => "Implementation of the disk quota system",
  "quotarpc"               => "Quota script",
  "radioclk"               => "Simple ntp refclock daemon for MSF/WWVB/DCF77 time signals",
  "radiusd"                => "Radius Server",
  "radiusd-livingston"     => "Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server",
  "radvd"                  => "Router Advertisement Daemon",
  "raid"                   => "RAID support",
  "raid2"                  => "RAID support",
  "random"                 => "Non-linear additive feedback random number generator",
  "rarpd"                  => "Reverse Address Resolution Protocol daemon",
  "rawio"                  => "Allows direct access to devices",
  "rbootd"                 => "Remote Boot Daemon",
  "rc"                     => "An implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell",
  "rcS"                    => "GNU Revision Control System",
  "README"                 => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "reboot"                 => "Restarts computer",
  "resmgr"                 => "Resource manager library daemon and PAM module",
  "rgpsp"                  => "Remote poller for GPS (Graphical Process Statistics)",
  "rinetd"                 => "Internet TCP redirection server",
  "ricis"                  => "RICIS, Inc.                             [email protected]",
  "rlagent"                => "Beginfinite, Inc.                       [email protected]",
  "rlcenter"               => "Beginfinite, Inc.                       [email protected]",
  "rlinetd"                => "Gruesomely over-featured inetd replacement",
  "rmnologin"              => "Essential for login",
  "rms"                    => "rms for Quadrics Ltd.                   [email protected]",
  "routed"                 => "Network routing daemon",
  "roxen"                  => "Roxen Challenger Webserver",
  "roxen2"                 => "Roxen Challenger Webserver",
  "rpasswdd"               => "pwdutils package                        [email protected]",
  "rpcbind"                => "kukuk's port of TI-RPC for Linux        [email protected]",
  "rplay"                  => "Set of dependencies designed to mitigate upgrade problems",
  "rproxy"                 => "Cache which uses differences to speed up retrievals",
  "rrlogind"               => "Login daemon for the Road Runner Cable Modem Service",
  "rspfd"                  => "Radio Shortest Path Daemon",
  "rstatd"                 => "Displays uptime information for remote machines",
  "rusersd"                => "Returns information about users currently logged in to the system",
  "rwhod"                  => "System status server",
  "samba"                  => "LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix",
  "saslauthd"              => "Daemon process that handles plaintext authentication requests on behalf of the SASL library",
  "sauce"                  => "SMTP defence software against spam",
  "scandetd"               => "Portscan detector for Linux",
  "scanlogd"               => "portscan detecting tool",
  "scobrand"               => "Caldera Systems Inc. dba The SCO Group  [email protected]",
  ""       => "Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management ",
  ""           => "Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management",
  "securetransport"        => "Tumbleweed Communications Corp.         [email protected]",
  "secvpn"                 => "Secure Virtual Private Network",
  "sendmail"               => "Powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent",
  "sendpage"               => "Easy-to-use Unix tool for sending pages",
  "sendsigs"               => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "sensord"                => "Hardware sensor information logging daemon",
  "ser2net"                => "Allows network connections to serial ports",
  "serpento"               => "DICT server with full Unicode support",
  "set6x86"                => "Cyrix/IBM 5x86/6x86 CPU configuration tool",
  "setmixer"               => "Commandline mixer",
  "setserial"              => "Controls configuration of serial ports",
  "sfs-client"             => "Self-Certifying File System client",
  "sfs-server"             => "Self-Certifying File System server",
  "shaper"                 => "Traffic shaper init script (cbq.init) for Linux",
  "shaperd"                => "User-mode traffic shaper for tcp-ip networks",
  "shorewall"              => "Shoreline Firewall",
  "single"                 => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "skeleton"               => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "skinsight"              => "Objective Pathology Systems             [email protected]",
  "skkserv"                => "Dictionary server for SKK",
  "slapd"                  => "OpenLDAP server",
  "slashem"                => "Variant of Nethack",
  "sleepd"                 => "Puts an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep",
  "slpd"                   => "OpenSLP Server",
  "smad"                   => "SyAM Software, Inc.                     [email protected]",
  "smagent"                => "Engenio Information Technologies, Inc   [email protected]",
  "smail"                  => "Electronic mail transport system",
  "smartd"                 => "smartmontools                           [email protected]",
  "smartsuite"             => "SMART utility suite for Linux",
  "smb"                    => "SMB services",
  "smcd"                   => "SyAM Software, Inc.                     [email protected]",
  "smmonitor"              => "Engenio Information Technologies, Inc   [email protected]",
  "smokeping"              => "Latency logging and graphing system",
  "smtpd"                  => "Mail proxy for firewalls with anti-spam and anti-relay features",
  "smtpfeed"               => "SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliver for Sendmail",
  "smwd"                   => "SyAM Software, Inc.                     [email protected]",
  "sn"                     => "Small NNTP server for leaf sites",
  "snmpd"                  => "SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agents",
  "snmptrapfmt"            => "A configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd",
  "snort"                  => "Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System",
  "sofistikpsd"            => "SOFiSTiK AG                             [email protected]",
  "spamassassin"           => "Perl-based spam filter using text analysis",
  "spong-client"           => "Systems and network monitoring system -- client programs",
  "spong-server"           => "Systems and network monitoring system -- server programs",
  "squid"                  => "Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache)",
  "squidtaild"             => "Squid log monitoring program",
  "ssh"                    => "Secure shell client and server (metapackage)",
  "ssh2"                   => "Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement",
  "sshd"                   => "OpenSSH SSH daemon",
  "ssh-krb5"               => "Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement (OpenSSH with Kerberos)",
  "ssh-nonfree"            => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "sslwrap"                => "Simple TCP service encryption using TLS/SSL",
  "ssvl"                   => "SCO System V Libraries for Linux        [email protected]",
  "strs"                   => "StreamServe Ltd.                        [email protected]",
  "subdomain"              => "SubDomain by Immunix                    [email protected]",
  "sudo"                   => "Provide limited super user privileges to specific users",
  "sudoscript"             => "EGBOK Consultants                       [email protected] ",
  "susefirewall2_final"    => "SUSE LINUX Products GmbH                [email protected]",
  "susefirewall2_init"     => "SUSE LINUX Products GmbH                [email protected]",
  "susefirewall2_setup"    => "SUSE LINUX Products GmbH                [email protected]",
  "svgatextmode"           => "Enable higher resolution text modes",
  "swapd"                  => "Daemon for dynamic swap file creation",
  "sympa"                  => "Modern mailing list manager",
  "sysklogd"               => "System Logging Daemon",
  "syslog"                 => "System logging",
  "syslog-ng"              => "Next generation logging daemon",
  "sysstat"                => "Sar, iostat and mpstat - system performance tools for Linux",
  "systemimager"           => "Utilities for installing GNU/Linux software images to machines over the network",
  "systune"                => "Kernel tuning through the /proc file system",
  "tac-plus"               => "TACACS+ authentication daemon",
  "tama"                   => "Net Tamagotchi server",
  "tcpquota"               => "Dialout/masquerading monitoring package",
  "tcpspy"                 => "Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger",
  "teamware"               => "Teamware Mobile, Teamware Group         [email protected]",
  "teapop"                 => "Powerful and flexible RFC-compliant POP3 server",
  "teapop-mysql"           => "Powerful and flexible RFC-compliant POP3 server",
  "teapop-pgsql"           => "Powerful and flexible RFC-compliant POP3 serve",
  "thttpd"                 => "Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server",
  "timeoutd"               => "Flexible user timeout daemon with X11 support",
  "tinc"                   => "Virtual Private Network daemon",
  "tinyproxy"              => "A lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing http proxy",
  "tleds"                  => "Blinks keyboard LEDs for TX and RX network packets",
  "tomcat"                 => "Java Servlet engine with JSP support",
  "tomcat4"                => "Java Servlet engine with JSP support",
  "tpconfig"               => "Configure touchpad devices",
  "tpssmagent"             => "Engenio Information Technologies, Inc   [email protected]",
  "tpssmmonitor"           => "Engenio Information Technologies, Inc   [email protected]",
  "trafstats"              => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "transproxy"             => "Transparent Proxy Daemon for HTTP requests",
  "trustees"               => "Advanced permission management system for Linux",
  "ud"                     => "Uptime Daemon",
  "udhcpd"                 => "Very small DHCP server",
  "ugidd"                  => "NFS UID mapping daemon",
  "ulogd"                  => "Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon",
  "umountfs"               => "Unmount file systems",
  ""           => "Unmount network file systems",
  "umsdos"                 => "Utilities for controlling a umsdos filesystem",
  "upsd"                   => "UPS Monitor Program via serial interface",
  "ups-monitor"            => "UPS Monitor",
  "uptimed"                => "Utility to track your highest uptimes",
  ""             => "Utility to track your highest uptimes",
  "urandom"                => "Provides an interface to the kernel's random number generator.",
  "usbmgr"                 => "User-mode daemon which loads/unloads USB kernel modules",
  "usermin"                => "Web interface for user tasks",
  "userv"                  => "'User services' - program call across trust boundaries",
  "vchkpw"                 => "Authentication for a pop server",
  "vdr"                    => "Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards",
  "vje-delta"              => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "voicerd"                => "VoiceRD                                 [email protected]",
  "vold"                   => "Volume daemon for CDROM devices.",
  "vpnd"                   => "Virtual Private Network Daemon",
  "vsftpd"                 => "Very Secure FTP Daemon",
  "vtun"                   => "Virtual Tunnel over TCP/IP Networks",
  "vvrts"                  => "Info-Electronics Systems Inc.           [email protected]",
  "vvrtspg"                => "Info-Electronics Systems Inc.           [email protected]",
  "wanpipe"                => "Configuration utilities for Sangoma S508/S514 WAN cards",
  "wasp"                   => "Beginfinite, Inc                        [email protected]",
  "watchdog"               => "Software watchdog",
  "wavelink"               => "Avalanche Mobility Center Applications  [email protected]",
  "wdm"                    => "WINGs Display Manager",
  "webfs"                  => "Lightweight http server for static content",
  "webmin"                 => "Web-based administration toolkit",
  "welcome2l"              => "Linux ANSI boot logo",
  "whereami"               => "Automatically reconfigure your (laptop) system for a new location",
  "winbind"                => "Service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT servers",
  "wn"                     => "Secure and efficient http server with advanced features",
  "wondershaper"           => "Easy to use traffic shaping script",
  "wtrex"                  => "Lymeware Corporation                    [email protected]",
  "wu-ftpd"                => "Powerful and widely used FTP server",
  "wwsympa"                => "Sympa's web interface",
  "wwwoffle"               => "World Wide Web OFFline Explorer",
  "X"                      => "open source implementation of the X Window System",
  "xdasd"                  => "OpenXDAS                                [email protected]",
  "xdm"                    => "X display manager",
  "xess"                   => "Applied Information Systems, Inc.       [email protected]",
  "xfs"                    => "X display manager",
  "xfstt"                  => "X Font Server for TrueType fonts",
  "xfs-xtt"                => "X-TrueType font server",
  "xinetd"                 => "Replacement for inetd with many enhancements",
  "xnptd"                  => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "xpilots"                => "Dummy upgrade package for xpilot",
  "xringd"                 => "Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take action",
  "xshipwars-server"       => "Dynamic space-oriented gaming system",
  "xstrade"                => "Applied Information Systems, Inc.       [email protected]",
  "xtell"                  => "Simple messaging client and server, sort of networked write",
  "xtend"                  => "10 status monitoring daemon",
  "xttpd"                  => "XTide web server",
  "yardradius"             => "YARD Radius Auth/Acct Server",
  "yiff-server"            => "Y Sound Server",
  "youbin"                 => "Conventional mail arrival notification server.",
  "ypbind"                 => "Network Information Service ",
  "yppasswdd"              => "Reserved for LSB-Compliant Distribution [email protected]",
  "ypserv"                 => "NIS server",
  "ypxfrd"                 => "Transfer NIS database from remote server",
  "zebra"                  => "Routing manager for use with associated Quagga components",
  "zephyrd"                => "The original Instant Message system ",
  "zhm"                    => "Zephyr HostManager ",
  "zmailer"                => "Mailer for Extreme Performance Demands",
  "zmailer-ssl"            => "Mailer for Extreme Performance Demands over SSL",
  "zoneserver"             => "Handle zone transfers for MaraDNS ",
  "zope"                   => "Open source web application server"