MangoPay Ruby SDK Build Status

The new gem for interacting with the version 2.01 of the Mangopay API. See the API documentation for more details on the API.

Tested on the following versions of Ruby: 2.4.1


Version 4.*

BREAKING CHANGES: This version (4.*) of the gem is targeting the Mangopay API Version 2.01. It has a brand new structure to make the api calls easier to use. It has not been tested for backward compatibility with 3.* series.

For upgrading to v2.01 of the API, there is more information about the changes required here.

Account creation

You can get yourself a free sandbox account or sign up for a production account by registering on the Mangopay site (note that validation of your production account involves several steps, so think about doing it in advance of when you actually want to go live).



  • You can get yourself a free sandbox account or sign up for a production account by registering on the Mangopay site (note that validation of your production account involves several steps, so think about doing it in advance of when you actually want to go live).

  • Install the gem by either running gem install mangopay-v4 or by adding it to your Gemfile gem 'mangopay-v4'

  • Using the credential info from the signup process above, call MangoPay.configure in your script as shown in the snippet below.


A few examples which demonstrate making each type of request through the SDK V4, comparative to V3.


V3 / V4

require 'mangopay'

MangoPay.configure do |config|
 config.client_id = :CLIENT_ID
 config.client_apiKey = :CLIENT_PASS

Create a User


user_object = {
  Address: {
    AddressLine1: 'Test st., no. 18',
    AddressLine2: 'bl. 16, int. 32',
    City: 'Brasov',
    Region: 'Tractoru',
    PostalCode: '505600',
    Country: 'RO'
  KYCLevel: 'LIGHT',
  Email: '[email protected]',
  FirstName: 'Hi',
  LastName: 'Bye',
  Birthday: 1_300_186_358,
  Birthplace: 'Brasov',
  Nationality: 'RO',
  CountryOfResidence: 'RO',
  Occupation: 'Cowboy',
  IncomeRange: 1

created_user = MangoPay::NaturalUser.create user_object

created_user # => Hash object


address =

address.address_line1 = 'Test st., no. 18'
address.address_line2 = 'bl. 16, int. 32' = 'Brasov'
address.region = 'Tractoru'
address.postal_code = '505600' = MangoModel::CountryIso::RO

user_object = # or

user_object.address = address
user_object.kyc_level = MangoModel::KycLevel::LIGHT = '[email protected]'
user_object.first_name = 'Hi'
user_object.last_name = 'Bye'
user_object.birthday = 1_300_186_358
user_object.birthplace = 'Brasov'
user_object.nationality = MangoModel::CountryIso::RO
user_object.country_of_residence = MangoModel::CountryIso::RO
user_object.occupation = 'Cowboy'
user_object.income_range = MangoModel::IncomeRange::BETWEEN_50_80

created_user = MangoApi::Users.create user_object

created_user # => MangoModel::NaturalUser/MangoModel::LegalUser object

Create a PayIn


natural_user = get_some_natural_user

wallet = MangoPay::Wallet.create({
  Owners: [user['Id']],
  Description: 'A test wallet',
  Currency: 'EUR',
  Tag: 'Test wallet'

created_pay_in = MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Web.create({
  AuthorId: natural_user['Id'],
  CreditedUserId: wallet['Owners'][0],
  CreditedWalletId: wallet['Id'],
  ReturnURL: '',
  SecureMode: 'DEFAULT',
  Culture: 'FR',
  TemplateURLOptions: {
    Payline: ''
  StatementDescriptor: 'Mar2016',
  Tag: 'Create Card Web PayIn',
  DebitedFunds: {
    Currency: 'EUR',
    Amount: 1000
  Fees: {
    Currency: 'EUR',
    Amount: 0

created_pay_in # => Hash object


user = get_some_user

wallet =
wallet.owners = []
wallet.description = 'A test wallet'
wallet.currency = MangoModel::CurrencyIso::EUR
wallet.tag = 'Test wallet'

wallet = MangoApi::Wallets.create wallet

pay_in =
pay_in.author_id =
pay_in.credited_user_id = wallet.owners[0].id
pay_in.credited_wallet_id =
pay_in.return_url = ''
pay_in.card_type = MangoModel::CardType::CB_VISA_MASTERCARD
pay_in.secure_mode = MangoModel::SecureMode::DEFAULT
pay_in.culture = MangoModel::CultureCode::EN
pay_in.template_url_options =
pay_in.template_url_options.payline = ''
pay_in.statement_descriptor = 'Mar2016'
pay_in.tag = 'Create Card Web PayIn'
pay_in.debited_funds =
pay_in.debited_funds.currency = MangoModel::CurrencyIso::EUR
pay_in.debited_funds.amount = 1000
pay_in.fees =
pay_in.fees.currency = MangoModel::CurrencyIso::EUR
pay_in.fees.amount = 0

pay_in = MangoApi::PayIns.create_card_web pay_in

pay_in # => MangoModel::CardWebPayIn object

Update a User


natural_user = get_some_natural_user

updated_user = MangoPay::NaturalUser.update(natural_user['Id'] ,{
  Email: '[email protected]'

updated_user # => Hash object


any_user = get_some_user = '[email protected]'

updated_user = MangoApi::Users.update any_user

updated_user # => MangoModel::LegalUser / MangoModel::NaturalUser object

Get a User by id


natural_user = get_some_natural_user

retrieved_user = MangoPay::LegalUser.fetch(natural_user['Id'])

retrieved_user # => Hash object


any_user = get_some_user

retrieved_user = MangoApi::Users.get(

retrieved_user # => MangoModel::NaturalUser / MangoModel::LegalUser object

Get a PayIn by id


pay_in = get_some_pay_in

retrieved_pay_in = MangoPay::PayIn.fetch(pay_in['Id'])

retrieved_pay_in # => Hash object


pay_in = get_some_pay_in

retrieved_pay_in = MangoApi::PayIns.get(

retrieved_pay_in # => MangoModel::PayIn object

List users


users = MangoPay::User.fetch

users # => Array of Hash object


users = MangoApi::Users.all

users # => Array of MangoModel::Dispute objects

Sorting, Paging, Filtering


wallet = get_some_wallet

transactions = MangoPay::Transaction.fetch(wallet['Id'], {
  'page' => 2,
  'per_page' => 3,
  'sort' => 'CreationDate:DESC',
  'Nature' => 'REGULAR',
  'Type' => 'PAYIN'

transactions # => Array of corresponding Hash objects


In the new version, any API method which allows filtering of the result list will yield a FilterRequest object which has fields for every possible filtering parameter. See methods' documentation to learn what parameters are available for each call.

wallet = get_some_wallet

transactions = MangoApi::Transactions.of_wallet( do |filter| = 2
  filter.per_page = 3
  filter.sort_field = MangoPay::SortField::CREATION_DATE
  filter.sort_direction = MangoPay::SortDirection::ASC
  filter.nature = MangoModel::TransactionNature::REGULAR
  filter.type = MangoModel::TransactionType::PAYIN

transactions # => Array of corresponding MangoModel::Transaction objects
See the files in 'lib/mangopay/api/service' and documentation for more info

Error Handling

Similar in V4 as it was in V3

  MangoApi::Users.create user
rescue MangoPay::ResponseError => ex

  ex # => #<MangoPay::ResponseError: One or several required parameters are missing or incorrect. [...] FirstName: The FirstName field is required. LastName: The LastName field is required. Nationality: The Nationality field is required.>

  ex.details # => {
             #   "Message"=>"One or several required parameters are missing or incorrect. [...]",
             #   "Type"=>"param_error",
             #   "Id"=>"5c080105-4da3-467d-820d-0906164e55fe",
             #   "Date"=>1409048671.0,
             #   "errors"=>{
             #     "FirstName"=>"The FirstName field is required.",
             #     "LastName"=>"The LastName field is required.", ...},
             #   "Code"=>"400",
             #   "Url"=>"/v2/.../users/natural"
             # }

New Features

The MangoPay::Environment Object

Use Environments to specify multiple MangoPay configurations within the same program. Specify the environment you want to switch to by using

require 'mangopay'

MangoPay.use_environment :env_id # Symbol
MangoPay.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = 'first_id'
  config.client_apiKey = 'first_pass'
MangoPay.use_environment :env2
MangoPay.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = 'second_id'
  config.client_apiKey = 'second_pass'
MangoPay.use_environment :env1
config = MangoPay.configuration
config.client_id # => 'first_id'
MangoPay.use_environment :env2
config = MangoPay.configuration
config.client_id # => 'second_id'

They all get stored in memory - only OAuth Tokens may be kept in files.

MangoPay.configure must be called from each new Environment.
Of course, you can just call MangoPay.configure without specifying an environment, and all calls will be made under an automatically-assigned :default Environment.
Environments are Thread-specific for the duration of that Thread's lifetime.

This is done by Mapping each Thread's Ruby Object.object_id to the ID of the currently-active Environment. Configurations and other stuff like Rate Limits are stored in the Environment object obtainable context-specifically with a call to MangoPay.environment (i.e. Rate Limits and Configuration etc. of the Client will be Environment-specific). The relationship will be deleted as soon as the Thread dies, but the Environment remains correctly-configured to be used from any other Threads.

A new Thread will be assigned the most recently used Environment

...unless another has meanwhile been switched to, in which case it will be that one (i.e. Environment specified in the last call to MangoPay.use_environment or the :default Environment if none were made). All calls made from any Thread in the same Environment will return results pertaining to the configuration specified for that specific environment.

This allows for various calls to be made in rapid succession with results dependent on each other without interfering with Configurations used on other Threads' Environments.

See the MangoPay module, the Environment and Configuration classes and documentation for more info.


See tests for explicit examples of configuration and virtually all API calls.

You can run all tests quickly with rspec command or configure RubyMine to run an RSpec configuration of all specs in folder 'spec/mangopay', or of a single file for targeted debugging.

Specific tests can be run as well, by passing a :focus parameter along with the test's description string (see 'spec_helper.rb' for more info)