Markdown Engine Wrapper - Use Your Markdown Library of Choice in Ruby

The Markdown Engine Wrapper (markdown) Ruby gem lets you use your markdown library of choice. Preconfigured markdown libraries include

  • kramdown
  • redcarpet
  • bluecloth
  • maruku
  • rpeg-markdown
  • rdiscount
  • pandoc-ruby

Usage - Ruby Code

require 'markdown' 'Hello World' ).to_html

# => "<p>Hello World</p>\n"

Configuration - Markdown Engine Loading Order

The default (fallback) Markdown library is kramdown. To use your markdown engine of choice configure the wrapper. The wrapper uses the following lookup order to find the markdown engine:

1) MARKDOWN_LIB Environment Variable


set MARKDOWN_LIB=kramdown

2) lib Property (in ./markdown.yml or ~/markdown.yml)


lib: kramdown

3) libs Property (in ./markdown.yml or ~/markdown.yml)


  - redcarpet
  - kramdown

Markdown libraries in the list get loaded on a first-come first-serve principle, that is, the first library require'd successfully will get used.

Configuration - Markdown Engine Options

You can also pass along options to your Markdown library. Example:

## Let's use the Redcarpet library

lib: redcarpet

    - no_intra_emphasis
    - fenced_code_blocks
    - tables
    - strikethrough

Configuration -Filters (Command Line Only)

For the command line tool only you can configure preprocessing filters to allow comments, Ruby helpers, and much more. Example:

## Let's use percent style comments

  - comments-percent-style

Now the filter will strip comment lines starting with percent (that is, %). Example:

% Some Headers

Title: Web Services REST-Style: Universal Identifiers, Formats & Protocols


Title: Web Services REST-Style: Universal Identifiers, Formats & Protocols

before the text gets passed along to the markdown engine. The filter also supports multiline comments with %begin|comment|comments/%end pairs. Example:

Using modern browser such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari you can
now theme your slide shows using using "loss-free" vector graphics
in plain old CSS. Thanks to gradient support in backgrounds in CSS3.


Using modern browser such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari you can
now theme your slide shows using using "loss-free" vector graphics
in plain old CSS. Thanks to gradient support in backgrounds in CSS3.

Note: As a shortcut using a single %end directive (that is, without a leading %begin) will skip everything until the end of the document.

For more about filters see the textutils gem.

Configuration - Converters

The Markdown wrapper lets you configure different converter methods for each markdown engine. By default the converter method <lib>_to_html gets used (for example, the default converter for kramdown is kramdown_to_html).


  converter: pandoc-ruby-to-s5


Just install the gem:

$ gem install markdown

Real World Usage

The slideshow (also known as Slide Show (S9)) gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read.



The markdown scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the Free Web Slide Show Alternatives (S5, S6, S9, Slidy And Friends) Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!