
Marvel API Gem

Ruby wrapper for Marvel Comics API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'marvellous'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install marvellous


Please register first in the Marvel Comics Developer Portal to get your API credentials (a public key and a private key, you'll need them both to configure and instantiate a client).

Instantiate a client

client = :public_key => 'abcd1234', :private_key => '5678efgh')

# fetch a list of characters (!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_0)
client.characters # by default pagination of 10 items is implemented
client.characters({page_size: 20, page_num: 2}) # to change the default pagination settings
client.characters({paginate: false}) # to turn off pagination

# fetch a single character by characterId (!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_0)
client.character({id: 1009610})