Mastiff is a War Dog who fetches mail from IMAP and then hands it off to do something useful
Mastiff is a gem designed to handle imap hosted emails, downloading them to your applications server, detaching attachments, and storing them locally to be parsed and oeprated upon using a background queue. The queue manager supported is sidekiq. Mails are stored locally in Redis for synhronization and speed.
Mastiff currently supports use of redis version 2.8.9 - 2.8.16 Mastiff currently supports use of the following sidekiq gem and plug-ins
- gem "sidekiq", '~> 2.17.7'
- gem 'sidetiq', '~> 0.5.0'
- gem 'sidekiq-lock', '0.2.0'
rails g 'mastiff:install'
creates the following files
create config/initializers/mastiff.rb
append config/sidekiq.yml
create app/workers
create app/workers/sync_mail_worker.rb
create app/workers/.rb
create app/workers/.rb
create app/uploaders
create app/uploaders/.rb
- Mailbox Folders
- Attachment Uploader Class
- Attachment storage Directory
- Sync Attachment Worker Class
- Process Attachement Worker Class
- Redis Options
- IMAP Message options
Mailbox Folders
Names of the folders you want to create on your IMAP account. This is where completed and processed messages get moved to after processing
# Mailbox Options
config.mailbox_folders = config.mailbox_folders.merge({processed: 'processed', rejected: 'rejected', processing: 'processing'})
Attachment Uploader Class
Defaults to CarrierWave based uploader. You can and should override this by adding an /uploader/mail_attachement_uploader.rb class in your app root, or by editing the file that is generated during install.
Attachment storage Directory
Defaults to '/tmp' but can be changed by assigning the variable
config. = 'data/attachments/pending'
Sync Attachment Worker Class
This class is generated for you, but should be modified to add additional book keeping or records you wish to create.
Process Attachment Worker Class
This class is generated for you, but should be modified to kick-off the steps you wish to have run when an attachment is detected and stored. Originally designed to kick-off a csv record import.
Rspec Tests
You must run $rails g mastiff:install
before executing tests, from within the spec/dummy directory.
There is a glitch in saving strings with respect to cc fields. Currently encoding will add extra escape characters to esacaped string, and Group Names in cc fields like 'undisclosed' recipients will get lost from the mail when it is saved. Likely a change in the way Mail gem works.