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Material Icons for Rails

Material Icons for Rails

Google Material Icons is a +750 set of icons based on Material Design guidelines. With this gem you can add it easily to your Rails projects.

Google Material Icons v2.1

Google updates Material Icons to version 2.1. It's include 96 new icons!


To install the gem, add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'material_icons'

Then, execute bundle install.


In your application.css.erb file you need to reference material icons CSS. There are two versions: ligature or unicode (See Compatibility section for more info).

Add this line at top of application.css.erb to use ligature:

//= require material_icons

These files provide multiple CSS classes to use in your views. Main classes are:

.material-icons, .mi

Some CSS classes are provided too:

/* Size */

/* Color */

/* Rotation */

Don't forget to see material_icons.css.erb ;).


Google Material Icons uses a feature called ligatures. We can define the icon in the text of the HTML tag. Go to Google Guide to get more info.

An example of icon is:

<i class="material-icons">face</i>
<i class="material-icons md-36">face</i>


Material Icons provide two helpers to build the HTML code of icons. The methods are material_icon and mi. These helpers use cascade style to set the icon and options. Using same example:

<%= material_icon.face %>
# <i class="material-icons">face</i>

<%= material_icon.face.md_36 %>
# <i class="material-icons md-36">face</i>

# This is a special case because the icon name starts with a number. Only
# 3d_rotation has this trouble.
<%= material_icon.three_d_rotation.md_36 %>
# <i class="material-icons md-36">3d_rotation</i>

# Rotation and custom css class
<%= mi.face.r90.css_class('my_class') %>
# <i class="material-icons r90 my_class">face</i>

Allowed methods are:

# Rotation methods

# Size methods

# Add some classes to the icon

# Add style to the icon
style('margin-top: 5px;')

# Add some HTML attributes to an icon. This method receive a Hash
html({ data: { id: 1 } })

Remember this is a helper, you always can use HTML syntax ;).


Ligature feature requires a supported browser:

Google Chrome       >= 11
Mozilla Firefox     >= 3.5
Apple Safari        >= 5
Microsoft IE        >= 10
Opera               >= 15
Apple MobileSafari  >= iOS 4.2
Android Browser     >= 3.0

To increase compatibility you can use Unicode version of the library. To set Unicode icons, you need to change the line to load ligature CSS file on application.css.erb ~> //= require material_icons to this line:

//= require material_icons_unicode

Next, you need to specify the helper to use unicode because it uses ligatures by default. Create an initializer file on config/initializers/material_icon.rb and set this content:

# Initialize material icons setup
MaterialIcons.setup do |config|
  config.unicode = true

The Helpers has the same syntax.

Now, the text inside of HTML tag is the CSS class! CSS Icon classes use underscores.

<i class="material-icons face"></i>
<i class="mi md-36 face"></i>
<i class="mi add_box"></i>
<i class="mi three_d_rotation"></i>

This version increase the size of the CSS file too. To see the difference, these are the size for uncompressed CSS files:

material_icons.css.erb            3  KB
material_icons_unicode.css.erb    68 KB

Tested on

Tested with Travis CI.

Ruby versions:

  • 2.2.2
  • 2.1.2
  • 1.9.3

Rails versions:

  • 3.2
  • 4.0
  • 4.1
  • 4.2
  • master

They are using Material icons for Rails :)

  • a big community to share, discover and learn about Material Design.


Google Material Icons are under Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). But attribution is not required.

Material Icons gem is released under the MIT license. Copyright @Laux_es ;)