

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'matroid'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install matroid


This API wrapper allows you to easily create and use Matroid detectors for classifying various media. It is designed to allow you to use detectors without any notion of the API.

Check the documentation for the complete reference of available methods.

Authenticate your session

The Matroid API relies on the use of access tokens. The easiest way to automatically authenticate your usage and handle access tokens is to declare MATROID_CLIENT_ID and MATROID_CLIENT_SECRET in your environment. For example, place the following in your .env file (this library includes the dotenv gem):


Also, you may call Matroid.authenticate(MATROID_CLIENT_ID, MATROID_CLIENT_SECRET) before any other methods and the token will be stored in the instance and refreshed as needed.

Example API usage


require 'matroid'



# Check user account info like Matroid Credits balance

Query for Detectors

# Get detector by id
detector = Matroid::Detector.find_by_id('5893f98530c1c00d0063835b')

# Get detectors by query
# Search by one or more of :labels, :name, :state, :id, :permission_level, :owner, :detector_type
# :labels and :name queries can be String or Regexp
detector = Matroid::Detector.find(id: '5893f98530c1c00d0063835b').first
cat_detectors = Matroid::Detector.find(name: 'cat')
cat_detector_id = Matroid::Detector.find(labels: 'cat', owner: true, state: 'trained').first.id

# Find published detectors
cat_detectors = Matroid::Detector.find(name: 'cat', published: true)
cat_detector_id = Matroid::Detector.find(labels: 'cat', state: 'trained', published: true).first.id

# convenience methods
#  .find_by_id(String)
#  .find_one(Hash)
#  .find_by_<attribute>(String)
#  .find_one_by_<attribute>(String)

# View cached detectors from previous searches
all_detectors = Matroid::Detector.cached

Use Detector class methods

# Get detector details
detector.to_hash #=> Hash of all the details (or you can get them separately as below)
detector.info #=> displays detector attributes in a nice printout

detector.id #=> "5893f98530c1c00d0063835b"
detector.name #=> "My cool detector"
detector.state #=> "trained"
detector.labels #=> ["label 1", "label 2", ...]
detector.permission_level #=> "private"
detector.owner #=> true
detector.training #=> "successful"
detector.type #=> "object", "face", "facial_characteristics"

# Create a detector
detector = Matroid::Detector.create('PATH/TO/ZIP/FILE', 'My awesome detector', 'general') # uploads labels and images
detector.id #=> "XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx"
detector.name #=> "My awesome detector"
detector.state #=> "pending"
detector.labels #=> ["label 1", "label 2", ...]
detector.permission_level #=> "private"
detector.owner #=> true
detector.type #=> "general"
detector.train # submits the detector for training
# You can repeatedly call detector.info to get the updates on the training

# Use a detector
detector = Matroid::Detector.find_by_id('5893f98530c1c00d0063835b')

# Classifying an image returns a hash of the detected labels (with probabilities)
# along with bounding box information (if applicable)
image_file_path = 'PATH/TO/IMAGE/FILE'
image_url = 'https://www.example.com/images/some_image.jpg'

# Classifying a video returns a hash { "video_id" => "dfoguhd078yd7dg87dfvsdf7" }
# which can later be used to check on the classification.
# A video takes some time to classify depending on the length and size of the video uploaded.
youtube_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qVOUD76JOg'
video_file_path = 'PATH/TO/VIDEO/FILE'

# Call the following repeatedly to check the progress on the video classification results
detector_id = 'dfoguhd078yd7dg87dfvsdf7'
Matroid.get_video_results(detector_id) #=> details of timestamps with labels, etc.

More functionality coming soon.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.