
A command line tool to convert a html email to change its relative image paths to point at absolute paths on Amazon S3. A new copy of each html file will be created with the prefix of ‘s3_’. It will then upload the folder to a folder / bucket on S3 and display the URL’s of the html files.

The library relies on you having the AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AMAZON_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables set.

How to use

s3ify -b my_bucket -p my_folder_in_bucket ~/Desktop/my-email/

Use -b to specify your bucket name Use -p to specify the path you want inside the bucket (you can leave this out and it will use the unix timestamp) Finally give the path to the folder that you want to ‘s3ify’


Support buckets in Europe Handle stylesheets so its not just limited to emails

Copyright © 2009 mattfawcett. See LICENSE for details.