This is the FASTEST way how to add CRUD functionality for your models. Literally by just adding ONE LINE of code in routes.rb
With additional customization options it allows you to build quickly admin panels or simple controllers to output data.
It works with existing models so all your validations, associations, etc will work as usual.
1) add gem to Gemfile gem "mega_scaffold"
2) open routes.rb
3) add mega_scaffold :categories
(if you have Category
- configure layout
- specify how to fetch records
- specify type for input
- configure to work with associations
- access helpers to output value
- hide columns
- change labels
- specify which fields where to show
- provide additional options for form fields
How CRUD looks - simple but created in 2 minutes:
If you need examples of customization (see test/dummy
as an example):
# routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# could be nested in existing resources
resources :companies do
mega_scaffold :attachments,
parent: -> (controller) { Company.find(controller.params[:company_id]) },
collection: -> (controller) { controller.parent. },
fields: [
{ name: :id, view: :index },
{ name: :file, type: :file_field, view: :all, value: -> (record, view) { view.link_to 'Download', record.file.url } },
{ name: :created_at, view: :index },
# could be added to namespaces
namespace :secret do
namespace :admin do
mega_scaffold :categories, fields: [
{ name: :id, view: :index },
{ name: :name, view: :all, value: -> (record, _) { } },
{ name: :accounts, view: [:index, :show], value: -> (record, _) { record.accounts.count } },
{ name: :created_at, view: [:index, :show], value: -> (record, _) { I18n.l record.created_at, format: :short } },
# simple usage, you can specify concerns with "before_action" or other contoller-related logic
mega_scaffold :users,
collection: -> (_) { User.ordered },
concerns: [Protected],
layout: 'admin',
only: [:id, :name, :age, :dob, :country, :created_at, :phone]
# usage with file upload and showing images in the index and show views
mega_scaffold :photos,
fields: [
{ name: :user, column: :user_id, view: :all, type: :select, collection: -> {{|e| [,]} }, value: -> (record, view) { view.link_to_if record.user, record.user&.name, record.user } },
{ name: :photo, type: :file_field, view: :all, value: -> (record, view) { view.image_tag, style: 'width: 200px' } },
{ name: :created_at, view: :index, value: -> (record, view) { view.l record.created_at, format: :long } },
# access to different set of records (for example admin can see all records and all other users only own) + form with associations
mega_scaffold :accounts,
collection: -> (controller) { controller.admin? ? Account.all : current_user.accounts },
fields: [
{ name: :id, view: [:show] },
{ name: :name, type: :text_field, view: :all, value: -> (record, view) { view.link_to, record } },
view: :all,
name: :account_type,
type: :collection_select,
collection: -> { Account::TYPES },
options: [:to_s, :to_s, include_blank: true]
view: :all,
name: :priority,
type: :range_field,
options: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 10 }
name: :categories,
column: {
name: :category_ids,
permit: [],
type: :collection_check_boxes,
options: [:id, :name],
view: :form,
collection: -> { Category.by_name },
value: {
index: -> (record, _) { record.categories.count },
show: -> (record, _) { record.categories.pluck(:name).join(", ") }
{ name: 'VIRTUAL ATTR', type: :virtual, view: :index, value: -> (record, view) { "ID: #{}" } },
name: :owner_id,
label: "Owner",
view: :all,
options: { include_blank: true },
type: :select,
collection: -> {{|e| [,]} },
value: -> (record, _) { record.owner&.name }
{ name: :created_at, view: [:index, :show], value: -> (record, _) { I18n.l(record.created_at, format: :long) } },
TODO Ideas
- config for actions
- more specs
- simple search using ransack?
- how to overide view instructions
- check if all is ok with turbo/turbolinks
- export to CSV, JSON?
- integration with pundit or cancancan?
- support for "resource" type
- work with I18n to translate labels?
- how to customize views
- view customization per controller
- refactor how controller is generated on the fly (combine into one file)
You are welcome to contribute.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.