
This gem is intended to help find problems with Memcached servers. MemcacheCheck runs a series of set and get commands against a Memcached server and validates the data returned. It also returns the benchmark time that it takes to run the get and set commands to help find slow responding servers.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'memcache_check'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install memcache_check


There are now 2 primary methods to use the gem. The original single server benchmark and the new group benchmark.


Create an instance of MemcacheCheck::Checker and pass in an argument of the server's IP address as a string. If you don't pass an IP address in it will default to localhost. You can optionally pass in a second argument of the port number if you are running memcached on a non-standard port.

Once you have an instance you simply run the start method and pass it the number of key value pairs you want to test against the server. If you don't pass a value in it will default to 50.

The start method returns an array of 3 numbers:

- Number of passing set/get pairs
- Number of failing set/get pairs
- Benchmark time to run the test


require 'memcache_check'

memcache_check ='')
passes, fails, time = memcache_check.start(500)

puts "Number of passes: #{passes}"
puts "Number of failures: #{fails}"
puts "Total time: #{time} seconds"

Running on my local machine this produces:

Number of passes: 500
Number of failures: 0
Total time: 0.369204 seconds


Pass a list of hostnames and/or IP addresses to MemcacheCheck::Checker.group_benchmark. It runs 100 set and get checks against each hostname and returns an array of Server objects once the benchmark has completed.

The Server attributes available are: - hostname (string) - port (string) - passes (fixnum) - fails (fixnum) - time (Benchmark::Tms)


require 'memcache_check'

memcache_check = MemcacheCheck::Checker.group_benchmark('', 'localhost', '')

memcache_check.each do |server|
  puts "Server: #{server.hostname}"
  puts "Number of passes: #{server.passes}"
  puts "Number of failures: #{server.fails}"
  puts "Total time: #{server.time.real.round(3)}"

Running on my local machine this produces:

Number of passes: 100
Number of failures: 0
Total time: 0.074

Server: localhost
Number of passes: 100
Number of failures: 0
Total time: 0.066

Number of passes: 100
Number of failures: 0
Total time: 0.082


1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request