Module: Memetron
- Defined in:
- lib/memetron/memes.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Matcher
Constant Summary collapse
{ # "a wild ruby library appears" :pokemon => /a wild (.+) appears/i, # "I don't always write regexp but when I do they break" :dos_equis => /I don'?t always (.+) but when I do (.+)/i, # "North Korea is best Korea" :is_best => /(\w+\b) (\w+\b) is best (\w+\b)/i, # Yo dawg I heard you like regexp so I put a regexp in your regexp so you can blah :yo_dawg => /yo dawg I hea?rd you like (.+) so I put a (.+) in your (.+) so you can (.+) while you (.+)/i, # cant tell if this project is going to go anywhere or just end up on the bottom of my github profile # not sure if blah or blah :fry => /(can'?t tell|not sure) if (.+) or (.+)/i, # lets take all the memes and put them over here :patrick => /let'?s take all the (.+) and put them over here/i, # "soon" or "soon." or "soon..." :soon => /^soon(\.|\.{3})?$/i, # Y U NO DO THIS? :y_u_no? => /(.*)Y U NO (.+)\?/i, # Hipster Kitty :hipster_kitty => /I liked (.*) before (.*)/i, # Bear Grylls :bear_grylls => /(.*) better drink my own piss/i, # I can haz cheeseburger :i_can_haz => /I can ha[zs] (.*)/i, # Jimmy McMillan is too damn high! :jimmy_mcmillan => /(.*) is too damn high!/i, # I find your lack of tests disturbing :darth_vader => /I find your lack of (.*) disturbing/i, # Prepare yourself, the procedurally generated memes are coming :sean_bean => /Prepare yourself,? the (.*) are coming/i, :orly => /(.*) orly\?/i, :all => /(.*) all the things/i, :obama => /(.*) not bad/i }