Michelson - test simulator / runtime for type-safe 'n' functional (crypto) contracts
michelson gem / library - test simulator / runtime for type-safe 'n' functional (crypto) contracts
- home :: github.com/s6ruby/ruby-to-michelson
- bugs :: github.com/s6ruby/ruby-to-michelson/issues
- gem :: rubygems.org/gems/michelson
- rdoc :: rubydoc.info/gems/michelson
What's Michelson? What's Liquidity?
The Liquidity language lets you programm (crypto) contracts with (higher-level type-safe functional) OCaml or ReasonML syntax compiling to (lower-level) Michelson stack machine bytecode.
Using the michelson test simulator / runtime for type-safe 'n' functional (crypto) contracts you can now use a "Yes, It's Just Ruby" syntax.
By Example
Let's Count - 0, 1, 2, 3
type :Storage, Integer
init [],
def storage()
entry [Integer],
def inc( by, storage )
[[], storage + by]
And for (local) testing you can run the "Yes, It's Just Ruby" version with the michelson testnet "simulator" library. Try:
storage = storage()
# => calling storage()...
# => returning:
# => 0
_, storage = inc( 2, storage )
# => calling inc( 2, 0 )...
# => returning:
# => [[], 2]
_, storage = inc( 1, storage )
# => calling inc( 1, 2 )...
# => returning:
# => [[], 3]
Let's Vote
type :Storage, Map‹String→Integer›
init [],
def storage()
{"ocaml" => 0, "reason" => 0, "ruby" => 0}
entry [String],
def vote( choice, votes )
amount = Current.amount
if amount < 5.tz
failwith( "Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote" )
match Map.find(choice, votes), {
None: ->() { failwith( "Bad vote" ) },
Some: ->(x) { votes = Map.add(choice, x + 1, votes); [[], votes] }}
And again for (local) testing you can run the "Yes, It's Just Ruby" version with the michelson testnet "simulator" library. Try:
storage = storage()
#=> calling storage()...
#=> returning:
#=> {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0}
_, storage = vote( "ruby", storage )
#=> calling vote( "ruby", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0} )...
#=> !! RuntimeError: failwith - Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote
Current.amount = 10.tz
_, storage = vote( "ruby", storage )
#=> calling vote( "ruby", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0} )...
#=> returning:
#=> [[], {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>1}]
_, storage = vote( "reason", storage )
#=> calling vote( "reason", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>1} )...
#=> returning:
#=> [[], {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>1, "ruby"=>1}]
_, storage = vote( "python", storage )
#=> calling vote( "python", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>1, "ruby"=>1} )...
#=> !! RuntimeError: failwith - Bad vote
And so on and so forth.
The michelson
scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Questions? Comments?
Send them along to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!