
A collection of preprocessors for frontend development.


$ gem install midwife


In Rakefile:

require 'midwife'

The rest:

$ rake setup


rake care    # Care for your haml/scss/js
rake listen  # Listen to your haml/scss/js
rake serve   # Serve your haml/scss/js
rake setup   # Setup your environment

Make an assets folder, and drop your haml, scss and js files in there. Running rake care will process haml, scss and js files once, and drop the artifacts into the public fodler. Run rake listen will process each time you touch the files. Run rake serve to start a web server running on localhost:9292 that listens to every change you make.


= render "partial" # file name must be prefixed with an underscore, ie. _partial.haml.

Deploy to Heroku

$ gem install heroku
$ heroku create app_name
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open