
Minato Rails Auth is a library designed to be an authentication layer in Rails applications. It has a JWT module, that can be included in Rails Controllers to authenticate requests. And has a RSpec shared contexts, to simplify authentication in automated tests.


The recommended installation way is by Gem or Bundler:

By Gem

$ gem install minato-rails-auth

By Bundler

$ bundle add minato-rails-auth

Or just add the following line on your Gemfile file:

gem 'minato-rails-auth'

And you can specify the version:

gem 'minato-rails-auth', '~> 0.1.0'


To configure the Minato Rails Auth lib on your Rails application, is necessary to follow the steps:

  1. Create a configuration file:

  2. Add the following content in the file:

    require 'minato/rails/auth'
    Minato::Rails::Auth.configure do |conf|
        conf.jwt.issuer = Settings.api.secure.issuer
        conf.jwt.jwks_uri = Settings.api.secure.jwks_uri
- Each option specs:

    - `conf.jwt`  
        - stores all jwt configuration
    - `conf.jwt.issuer` 
        - example: 'http://localhost'  
        - is the jwt issuer, when the system uses Ory, it's the gateway host
    - `conf.jwt.jwks_uri` 
        - example: 'http://localhost:4456/.well-known/jwks.json' 
        - is the jwks obtetion uri, when the system uses Ory, it's the direct gateway host
    - `conf.jwt.jwks` 
        - default: nil   
        - this is the jwks data, if this is specified it will not be necessary the conf.jwt.jwks_uri attribute
    - `conf.jwt.algorithms` 
        - default:  'RS256'
        - alghorithm used to decode the jwt
    - `conf.jwt.verify_iss` 
        - default:  true   
        - this specify if the issuer should be checked
    - `conf.jwt.verify_token_signature` 
        - default: true   
        - this specify if the token signature should be checked
    - `conf.jwt.hmac_secret` 
        - default: nil
        - hmac secret, is necessary only in HMAC algorithms
    - `conf.jwt.additional_params` 
        - default: {}
        - is JWT.decode additional options
        - docs: https://github.com/jwt/ruby-jwt/blob/main/README.md

And now, the library was configured in your Rails application.


Auth system

To add the JWT authentication system in your Rails application, just follow the steps:

  1. Include the JWT module in your ApplicationController:

    class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
        include Minato::Rails::Auth::JWT
  2. Now it is available the method authenticate_request! in your controllers, and you can call it when you want to auth a controller:

    class FooController < ApplicationController
        before_action :authenticate_request!
  3. Now the variable current_user is availabe in your controller, containing the following methods:

  • .machine?

    • This will return a boolean value that will tell you if the client is a machine or not
  • .human?

    • This works like the .machine? method, but tells you if the client is human.
  • .session

    • This returns a object containing the JWT payload, if the client is human.
  • .machine

    • This returns a string with the machine name, when the client is a machine.

Testing tools

The Minato Rails Auth makes available the RSpec shared contexts, to make it available you can include the module in your [rails-app]/spec/spec_helper.rb:

require 'minato/rails/auth/spec'

And now it will be available the following shared contexts, that you can use following the docs:

  • with jwt authentication:
    • Just create a jwt with empty payload. To set the payload you should create a jwt_payload variable using let.
  • with human jwt authentication:
    • Creates a jwt with human payload. You set the user attributes with variables jwt_email, jwt_account_id, jwt_session_id, jwt_identity_id and jwt_payload.
  • with machine jwt authentication:
    • Creates a jwt with machine payload. You can set the machine name with the variable jwt_machine.
  • with missing jwt authentication:
    • Raise a ::JWT::VerificationError, simulating when the user is not authenticated.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ferreri/minato/minato-rails-auth.