
Built with :yellow_heart: and :coffee: in San Francisco

Mingle is a software development team collaborative tool, developed by ThoughtWorks Studios. The Mingle API gem provides simple interface for you to build application talks to Mingle.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mingle-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mingle-api


Initialize with HMac Auth for SaaS Mingle site

require 'mingle-api'
mingle = MingleAPI.new('site-name', hmac: [username, secret_key])

Initialize with Basic Auth for SaaS Mingle site

mingle = MingleAPI.new('site-name', basic_auth: [username, password])

Initialize with HMac for onsite Mingle site

mingle = MingleAPI.new('https://your-mingle-site-url', hmac: [username, secret_key])

Get all projects

projects = mingle.projects

Get project by identifier

project = mingle.projects('your_first_project')

Create project

mingle.create_project("Project Name")
# => OpenStruct.new(identifier, url)

Create with project description and from template

mingle.create_project("Project Name", description: "description", template: 'kanban')

Get first page cards in project


Get card by card number and project identifier

Let's say you have a project named Mingle and its identifier is mingle, and card number 123 has a text property named Status and user property named Owner

mingle.card('mingle', 123)

You will get an OpenStruct object with attributes: name, description, type, status, owner As Owner is a user property, the value of the owner will be the user login if it exists

Create card

mingle.create_card('project_identifier', name: 'card name', type: 'Story',
  attachments: [['/path/to/file', "image/png"]],
  properties: {status: 'New', priority: 'high'})
# => OpenStruct.new(number, url)

API design

  1. flat: one level API, you can find all APIs definition in class Mingle.
  2. data: all APIs return data object only, they are:
    1. Primitive type in Ruby
    2. OpenStruct object, with primitive type values (rule #1 flat)

Setup development environment

See .rbenv-vars file for environment variables need for test.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/ThoughtWorksStudios/mingle-api/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request