JRuby wrapper around some parts of Aether, the library underlying the Maven build and dependency management tool.
- Bootstraps itself by downloading Aether components directly from the Maven Central repository.
- Installs JARs into the standard Maven location
. - Loads Aether libs in separate JRuby with own classloader to avoid contaminating the primary classloader.
I feel that JRuby/maven/rubygems integration is lacking in many areas. There are various attempts to improve this. See JBundler and LockJar for example. So I'm not sure what role MiniAether will play, if any.
require 'mini_aether'
MiniAether.setup do
group 'org.sonatype.aether' do
version '1.13.1' do
jar 'aether-api'
jar 'aether-impl'
jar 'com.ning:async-http-client:1.6.5'
# alternate syntax
dep(:group_id => 'org.slf4j',
:artifact_id => 'slf4j-api',
:version => '1.6.2',
:extension => 'jar') # 'jar' is the default if none is given
group 'org.codehaus.plexus' do
jar 'plexus-utils:2.0.6'
At this point, all those jars and their dependencies will be loaded into the current JRuby.