
  • converted a significant amount of documentation to yardoc format

  • some of Minilab’s instance methods now return [true] instead of [whatever]


  • minilab now requires Ruby 1.9 to run and is built for the RubyInstaller package. minilab’s public interface has not changed.

  • Now using the latest and greatest bundler techniques for gem development.

  • Two libraries minilab used for testing (hardmock and systir) do not run on Ruby 1.9. Therefore, minilab now uses:

    • RSpec as a test harness

    • steak as an acceptance test harness

    • rr for mocking in unit tests


  • Lots of little things changed as part of the Rubyforge -> Gemcutter/GitHub/rdoc.info migration minilab’s public interface has not changed.

  • Using bundler to package what gems.


  • Conversion from native extension to FFI

  • Upgraded diy, constructor, and hardmock to their latest versions

  • Internal implementation changes. minilab’s public interface is unchanged

  • Integration tests removed, as the value they provide did not outweigh the maintenance burden


First release