0.5.3 | 2013-11-20

Small change made to ensure that output i/o is un sync mode. This prevents test results fro being buffered over the pipe


  • Add io.sync = true after Minitest reporter class is initialized.
  • Add notes to README about use tapout's pause and resume feature.

0.5.2 | 2013-11-18

This release makes it possible to specify reporters in code (again), and not just on the command line. This makes it easier to use with other test and build tools such as Rake.


  • Add support for in code configuration of reporter.
  • Use minitest-reporter-api gem to support in code reporter config.

0.5.1 | 2013-11-16

This release simply removes all the remaing v4 code that is no longer needed to work with Minitest 5. This also fixes an issue Minitap has with working with Rails 4.


  • Remove all vestigial v4 code.

0.5.0 | 2013-11-15

The release adds support for MiniTest 5. Minitest completely changes the way custom reporters are handled so this release includes extensive new code. Note that this version is also no longer intended for use with Minitest 4 or older. If you are using Minitest 4, please use Minitap 0.4.x as well.


  • Add support for Minitest 5.
  • Deprecate support for Minitest 4.

0.4.1 | 2013-03-18

Minor release improves upon backtrace filtering and makes the hook extensions more robust when non-minitap runners are used even though minitap has been requried.


  • Use $RUBY_IGNORE_CALLERS for backtrace filtering.
  • Ensure hook methods exist before using them.

0.4.0 | 2013-03-17

MiniTap v0.4.0 is a heavy refactorization of the code based on Alexander Kern's latest MiniTest-Reporters code. (Thank you Mr. Kern! You made dealing with sorry Minitest code at least tolerable.) This release also owes gratitiude to Kevin Swope who's bug report about running on MiniTap with Rails led to the whole shebang.


  • Refactored runner to "catch-up" with the ever changing crap that is MiniTest's code.

0.3.5 | 2013-01-17

This release adds a #record method to the TestRunner to accomodate recent changes to MiniTest.


  • Add TestRunner#record method.

0.3.4 | 2012-05-01

This release simply fixes a misspelling that caused an error when a test was skipped.


  • Fix misspelling of the word 'exception'. (#2 Corey O'Connor)

0.3.3 | 2012-02-01

This release adds support for the new 'stdout' and 'stderr' fields. As tests are run $stdout and $stderr are captured and included in the TAP-Y/J stream. This prevents the structured streams from being corrupted and provide some nice report options too.


  • Add support for stdout and stderr capturing.

0.3.2 | 2011-11-08

This release add support for the new TAP-Y/J 'class' field, and removes the class name from the message field. It also fixes a bug that arose with certain versions of Ruby's YAML.load_documents implementation.


  • Work around Ruby's YAML.load_documents issue.
  • Add dependency for MiniTest.
  • Support TAP-Y/J class field.
  • Remove class name from message field.

0.3.1 | 2011-10-18

This release includes two basic improvements: better backtrace filtering, and file fields given relative to current working directory instead of absolute paths. In future maybe this can be configurable, if someone makes the case that absolute paths are needed.


  • Improve backtrace filtering.
  • Make file fields relative to working directory.

0.3.0 | 2011-10-09

Support version 3 of TAP-Y/J spec. This simply entailed renaming the tally document to final.


  • Support revision 3 of TAP-Y/J.

0.2.0 | 2011-10-07

This release adjusts how the customer reporter classes should be used. It's actually a very minor release under the hood.


  • Adjust usage documentation.

0.1.0 | 2011-10-06

This is the first release of MiniTap, a TAP-Y/J reporter for the MiniTest test framework.


  • First Release Day!