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Simple Minitest reporter to indicate the result of test runs in as fancy a way you like. Here's how I like it: Flash the macOS menu bar in green or red and play a short and mutable sound effect.

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gem cert --add <(curl -Ls

Add the following to the Gemfile or gems.rb of your Bundler powered Ruby project:

gem 'minitest-flash'

And then install the bundle:

bundle install --trust-policy MediumSecurity

Finally, require this gem in your test_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb:

require 'minitest/flash'


After every test run, the reporter simply invokes the minitest-flash executable:

  • minitest-flash green if the run passed
  • minitest-flash red if the run failed or has errors

It's your job to create the minitest-flash executable to your liking and to place it somewhere in the PATH.

Other people might work on the same code and prefer not use minitest-flash. This is no problem as it won't do a thing unless a minitest-flash executable exists.


I'm on macOS and like things to be as obvious and unobtrusive as possible: Flash the menu bar either in green or red and optionally play a sound effect.


Here's what my /usr/local/bin/minitest-flash executable looks like:


declare -A colors

if [ -z "$MINITEST_FLASH_NO_SOUND" ]; then
  mpg123 $0.d/$1.mp3 2>/dev/null &

for i in {1..2}; do
  $0.d/ChangeMenuBarColor SolidColor "$colors[$1]" >/dev/null
  $0.d/ChangeMenuBarColor SolidColor "000000" >/dev/null

As you see, the sound effects can easily be muted with:


For the above to work, you have to install mpg123 easiest through Homebrew:

brew install mpg123

A few support files are also necessary, let's create the directory for them:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/minitest-flash.d

In there you have to put three files:


To install the development dependencies and then run the test suite:

bundle install
bundle exec rake    # run tests once
bundle exec guard   # run tests whenever files are modified

You're welcome to submit issues and contribute code by forking the project and submitting pull requests.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.