Mints Ruby SDK

This is a library to connect apps built on ruby to Mints.Cloud


Add gem to the Gemfile

gem 'mints'


Using Mints Public API

pub =, api_key)

Using Mints Contact API

con =, api_key)
con.(email, password)

Using Mints User API

con =, api_key)
con.(email, password)

Generate mints files

This command will generate the mints_config.yml.erb file, API controlles and routes to have available the mints endpoints

rails generate mints_files

Contact tracking usage

Your app controller needs to be inherited from Mints::BaseController

# application_controller.rb

class ApplicationController < Mints::BaseController

This heritance will make the following class variables available:

Variable Description
@host Host defined in mints_config.yml.erb file
@api_key API key defined in mints_config.yml.erb file
@mints_pub An already instanced public client
@contact_token A token used by mints to identify the contact
@visit_id An identifier of the visit registered
@mints_contact An already instanced contact client (not usable until call the contact login method)

And the following controller methods: | Method | Parameters | Return value | Description | | --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | | mints_contact_signed_in? | none | boolean | Indicates if the contact has an active session | | mints_contact_login | email, password| void | Starts a contact session | | mints_contact_logout | none | void | Ends a contact session |

Admin controller usage

If want to have a private section where only a mints user can acces and use the private user api is needed to inherit from the AdminBaseController.

# admin_controller.rb

class AdminController < Mints::AdminBaseController

This heritance will make the following class variables available: | Variable | Description | | --- | :---: | | @host | Host defined in mints_config.yml.erb file | | @api_key | API key defined in mints_config.yml.erb file | | @mints_user | An already instanced user client (not usable until call the user login method) |

And the following controller methods: | Method | Parameters | Return value | Description | | --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | | mints_user_login | email, password| void | Starts a user session | | mints_user_logout | none | void | Ends a user session |