MisocaRubyClient Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'misoca_ruby_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle instal

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install misoca_ruby_client


Because misoca's refresh token live quite a long time. You can save your token somewhere and constantly refresh the token(e.g. Cron) so you don't have to authorize everytime.

# Create a proc so that we can save the token to somewhere
update_config = proc { |access_token| 
    SomeModelToSaveToken.update_columns(misoca_access_token: access_token.token, misoca_refresh_token: access_token.refresh_token)

# Initialize client
mymisoca = MisocaRubyClient.new(application_id, secret, callback_url, update_config)

# Inject a saved token so that you can skip authentication
mymisoca.inject_access_token(misoca_access_token, misoca_refresh_token) if misoca_access_token && misoca_refresh_token

Then you can have a cron which do


at least once everyday.

You can also choose not using update_config. For this, you need a callback controller which do.

class OauthController < ApplicationController
  def misoca_authorization
    return redirect_to mymisoca.get_authorize_url

  def misoca_callback
    return redirect_to "/configs"

Note that misoca_authorization redirect you to Misoca's oauth page. misoca_callback is the callback which receive params[:code] and update access token.

Create an invoice

invoice = {
  issue_date: Date.today,
  payment_due_on: Date.today,
  subject: "Pay Me Money",
  recipient_name: "You"
  recipient_title: 'Mr.',
  invoice_body_attributes: {
    recipient_zip_code: "123-4567",
    recipient_address1: "My Address",
    recipient_name1: "Someone",
    recipient_title: 'Chief',
  invoice_items_attributes: [{
    name: "work",
    quantity: 1,
    unit_price: 100,
mymisoca.access_token.post('/api/v1/invoice', { body: { invoice: invoice } })