mixml Selection

This document demonstrates the different methods to select XML nodes when using mixml.

Select nodes using XPath expressions

You can use standard XPath expressions to select the nodes to process.

Let's use the following XML in file test.xml:

    <philosopher name="Hobbes"/>
    <philosopher name="Rawls"/>

Now execute the following command to rename some nodes:

# mixml rename --xpath '//philosopher[@name="Hobbes"]' --string 'tiger' test.xml

This produces the following XML output:

    <tiger name="Hobbes"/>
    <philosopher name="Rawls"/>

Select nodes using CSS rules

You can also use CSS rules instead of XPath expressions to select the nodes to process.

Let's use the following XML in file test.xml:

    <philosopher name="Hobbes"/>
    <philosopher name="Rawls"/>

Now execute the following command to rename some nodes:

# mixml rename --css 'philosopher:first-child' --string 'tiger' test.xml

This produces the following XML output:

    <tiger name="Hobbes"/>
    <philosopher name="Rawls"/>