Tests Test Coverage Mutant Linter Maintainability Gem Version

A Ruby interface to the MLB Stats API


For updates and announcements, follow @sferik.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile:

bundle add mlb

Or, if Bundler is not being used to manage dependencies:

gem install mlb


require "mlb"

mets = MLB::Teams.all(season: 2024).last
mets.name                   # => "New York Mets"
mets.short_name             # => "NY Mets"
mets.abbreviation           # => "NYM"
mets.league.name            # => "National League"
mets.spring_league.name     # => "Grapefruit League"
mets.division.name          # => "National League East"
mets.first_year_of_play     # => 1962
mets.location_name          # => "Flushing"
mets.venue.name             # => "Citi Field"

adam = MLB::Players.all(season: 2024).find { |player| player.id == mets.roster.first.player.id }

adam.full_name              # => "Adam Ottavino"
adam.primary_number         # => 0
adam.primary_position.name  # => "Pitcher"
adam.pitch_hand.description # => "Right"
adam.bat_side.description   # => "Switch"
adam.current_age            # => 38
adam.birth_date.to_s        # => "1985-11-22"
adam.birth_city             # => "New York"
adam.birth_state_province   # => "NY"
adam.birth_country          # => "USA"
adam.draft_year             # => 2006
adam.mlb_debut_date.to_s    # => "2010-05-29"
adam.height                 # => "6' 5\""
adam.weight                 # => 246
adam.active?                # => true


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  1. Maintain the library: Keeping it up-to-date and secure.
  2. Add new features: Enhancements that make your life easier.
  3. Provide support: Faster responses to issues and feature requests.

⭐️ Bonus: Sponsors will get priority support and influence over the project roadmap. We will also list your name or your company's logo on our GitHub page.

Building and maintaining an open-source project like this takes a considerable amount of time and effort. Your sponsorship can help sustain this project. Even a small monthly donation makes a huge difference!

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  1. Checkout and repo:

    git checkout [email protected]:sferik/mlb-ruby.git

  2. Enter the repo’s directory:

    cd mlb-ruby

  3. Install dependencies via Bundler:


  4. Run the default Rake task to ensure all tests pass:

    bundle exec rake

  5. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

    git checkout -b my-new-branch


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sferik/mlb-ruby.

Pull requests will only be accepted if they meet all the following criteria:

  1. Code must conform to Standard Ruby. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake standard

  2. Code must conform to the RuboCop rules. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake rubocop

  3. 100% C0 code coverage. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake test

  4. 100% mutation coverage. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake mutant


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.