
This gem allows to parse and build any Money S3 entity defined in theirs XML schemas. All the names and structure are preserved as in the original definitions which can be found here. This gem also includes few utilities for fast and easy XML generation.


Parsing a XML

I didn't have time to write docs yet. However parsing works exactly the same as in Pohoda gem

Building a XML

To build a Money S3 XML you need a hash with same structure you get from calling #to_h on parsed xml:

hash = { seznam_fakt_vyd: [{ doklad: '123' }] }

it returns a string like this:

<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>

Building works also exactly the same as in Pohoda gem


MoneyS3::Utils::BankStatements class

Generates XML with bank movements for importing into Money S3.

Instantiate MoneyS3::Utils::BankStatements with hash containing statements config:

config = {
  my_bank_account_id: 'BAN', # Czech: zkratka bankovniho uctu
  credit_transactions_rule: 'BP001', # Czech: predkontace pro prijmy
  debit_transactions_rule: 'BV001', # Czech: predkontace pro vydaje
  credit_transactions_vat_rule: '19Ř00U', # Czech: cleneni dph pro prijmy
  debit_transactions_vat_rule: '19Ř00P', # Czech: cleneni dph pro vydaje
  credit_transactions_series: 'BPrr', # Czech: ciselna rada prijmovych bankovnich dokladu
  debit_transactions_series: 'BVrr' # Czech: ciselna rada vydajovych bankovnich dokladu
generator =

Then call #to_xml on the generator and pass it an array containing hashes with movement data:

transactions = [
  { :date => #<Date: 2019-12-05 ((2458823j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
    :transaction_id => "121205SI201442",
    :my_bank_account_id => "ACC1", # if given it overwrites the one from configuration
    :amount => 8500.0,
    :statement_id => "012/00001",
    :variable_symbol => "0000112019",
    :specific_symbol => "",
    :constant_symbol => "0000000138",
    :counterparty_account => "1023706843",
    :counterparty_bank_code => "0100",
    :type => :debit, # or :credit for credit transactions
    :description => "Some description..",
    :note => "Some note.." },
statements_string = generator.to_xml(transactions)"statements.xml", 'wb') { |f| f.write statements_string }


23.02.2020 - v2.1.0

Add utility class for bank statements generation.


Updated gem with new schemas from Money S3 19.603


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.