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A simple logger for Mongoid.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid-clerk', :require => 'clerk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mongoid-clerk


Include Clerk::Logger in your model, then log anything with log(). The first argument is the message and the second the level.

You can add default fields to your log entry by adding clerk_always_include this method accepts an array of fields it should include, or a hash if you want to rename a field.

Clerk adds a polymorphic relation to the model log_items so you can scope log entries on this model.

Clerk::Log behaves like a regular mongoid model for easy access to your log entries.

example model:

class User
  include Clerk::Logger

  field :name
  field :address

  clerk_always_include :name, :address => :place

  def something
    log('Something went wrong!', :error)



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  2. Fix it
  3. Push it
  4. Pullreq it