Module: Mongoid::Components

Extended by:
ActiveModel::Conversion, ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity, ActiveModel::Naming, ActiveModel::Observing, ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON, ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml, Atomicity, Attributes, Callbacks, Collections, Copyable, DefaultScope, Dirty, Extras, Fields, Hierarchy, Indexes, Inspection, JSON, Keys, Matchers, NamedScope, NestedAttributes, Paths, Persistence, Relations, Safety, Serialization, Sharding, State, Validations
Included in:
Defined in:



Constant Summary

Constants included from Callbacks


Constants included from Copyable


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes included from Validations


Method Summary

Methods included from Validations

#read_attribute_for_validation, #valid?, #validated?

Methods included from State

#destroyed=, #destroyed?, #new_record=, #new_record?, #persisted?

Methods included from Sharding


Methods included from Serialization


Methods included from Safety


Methods included from Relations

#embedded?, #embedded_many?, #embedded_one?, #referenced_many?, #referenced_one?

Methods included from Relations::Cascading


Methods included from Relations::Accessors

#build, #create_relation, #options, #relation_exists?, #set, #substitute

Methods included from Persistence

#destroy, #insert, #remove, #save!, #update, #update_attribute, #update_attributes, #update_attributes!, #upsert

Methods included from Persistence::Atomic

#add_to_set, #inc, #pull_all, #push

Methods included from Paths

#_inserter, #_path, #_position, #_remover, #_selector

Methods included from Matchers


Methods included from Inspection


Methods included from Dirty

#attribute_change, #attribute_changed?, #attribute_was, #changed, #changed?, #changes, #move_changes, #previous_changes, #reset_attribute!, #reset_modifications, #setters, #setup_modifications

Methods included from Attributes

#attribute_present?, #read_attribute, #remove_attribute, #respond_to?, #write_attribute, #write_attributes

Methods included from Attributes::Processing


Methods included from Atomicity


Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Mongoid::Attributes