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This is a modified version of the Gem simple_audit from Gabriel Tarnovan ( wich uses MongoDB with Mongoid to store audit logs instead of ActiveRecord. Furthermore it is capable of auditing both ActiveRecord and Mongoid models, which is especialy usefull for applications which use both backends.

What is this Gem about?

It's a simple auditing solution for ActiveRecord and Mongoid models. Provides an easy way of creating audit logs for complex model associations. Instead of storing audits for all data aggregated by the audited model, you can specify a serializable representation of the model. mongoid_simple_audit is intended as a straightforward, performant and simple auditing solution.

  • a helper method is provided to easily display the audit log
  • the Audit object provides a #delta method which computes the differences between two audits


The gem requires Mongoid version 3.x with Ruby on Rails 3.x or Mongoid 4.x with Rails 4.x


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid_simple_audit'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mongoid_simple_audit

Don't forget to create the MongoDB indeces

rake db:mongoid:create_indexes


class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base simple_audit do |record| # data to be audited { :price => record.price, :period => record.period, ... } end end

# in your view <%= render_audits(@booking) %>

Audit ActiveRecord or Mongoid models. Somewhere in your (backend) views show the audit logs.

# in your model
# app/models/booking.rb

class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base

# or for Mongoid

class Booking
    include Mongoid::Document

# in your view
# app/views/bookings/booking.html.erb

<%= render_audits(@booking) %>

# in order to have the default styles, include the stylesheet

<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'mongoid_simple_audit' %>

Assumptions and limitations

  • Your user model is called User (or Cms::User) and the current user User.current See sentient_user for more information.

Customize auditing

By default after each save, all model's attributes and belongs_to associations (their id and to_s on these) are saved in the audits table. You can customize the data which is saved by supplying a block which will return all relevant data for the audited model.

# app/models/booking.rb

class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base
    simple_audit do |record|
        :state  => record.state, 
        :price  => record.price.format,
        :period => record.period.to_s,
        :housing_units => record.housing_units.collect(&:name).join('; '),

You can also customize the attribute of the User model which will be stored in the audit.

# default is :name
simple_audit :username_method => :email

As a default it will audit all save and update calls even though no changes where made, unless you specify :audit_changes_only => true

simple_audit :audit_changes_only => true

Rendering audit trail

A helper method for displaying a list of audits is provided. It will render a decorated list of the provided audits; only the differences between revisions will be shown, thus making the audit information easily readable.

Why I consider the MongoDB Version more suitable to the original with ActiveRecord

  1. Changed attributes are natively searchable by the database
  2. Better perfomance
  3. High scalability
  4. It supports the Mongoid wrapper

Negative aspect though, its not working nicely hand in hand with not MongoDB backends

How to migrate simple_audit record stored with ActiveRecord

If you want to migrate from the ActiveRecord version of simple_audit to a document based datamodel (maybe because your database got super fat), mongoid_simple_audit has a rake task for that.

rake mongoid_simple_audit:migrates_from_mysql_to_mongoid


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request