
Motel is a gem that adds functionality to ActiveRecord to use connections to multiple databases, one for each tenant.


  • Adds multi-tenant functionality to ActiveRecord.
  • Multiple databases, one for each tenant.
  • Databases of tenants may be in different locations.
  • Tenant connection details are stored keying them by the name on a database or redis server.
  • Use with or without Rails.


gem install motel-activerecord

or add the following line to Gemfile:

gem 'motel-activerecord'

and run bundle install from your shell.

Supported Ruby and Rails versions

The gem motel-activerecord supports MRI Ruby 2.0 or greater and Rails 4.0 or greater.


This gem is based on the Semantic Versioning.


Use with Rails

In your app/application.rb file write this:

Specifying database as a source of tenants

config.motel.tenants_source_configurations = {
  source:      :database,
  source_spec: { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/tenants.sqlite3" },
  table_name:  "tenant"

You can specify the source by providing a hash of the connection specification. Example:

source_spec: { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/tenants.sqlite3" }

Table name where are stored the connection details of tenants:

table_name: "tenant"

Note: The columns of the table must contain connection details and thad are according with the information needed to connect to a database, including the name column to store the tenant name. Example columns are showed below:

Name Type
name String
adapter String
sockect String
port Integer
pool Integer
host String
username String
password String
database String
url String

Specifying a redis-server as a source of tenants

config.motel.tenants_source_configurations = {
  source:   :redis,
  port:     6380,
  password: "redis_password"

To connect to Redis listening on a Unix socket, try use 'path' option.

Default source of tenants

Also you can use the gem without specify a source configuration.

If you want to assing dirently the tenants specificactions you can do it:

config.motel.tenants_source_configurations = {
  configurations: { "foo" => { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/foo.sqlite3" } }

Assing tenants from database.yml file:

config.motel.tenants_source_configurations = {
  configurations: Rails.application.config.database_configuration

Note: The methods like add_tenant, update_tenant and delete_tenant dosen't store permanently tenants.

Use rake task

Set the TENANT environment variable to run the rake task on a specific tenant.

$ TENANT=foo rake db:migrate

To create the database of all tenants.

rake db:create:all

To drop the database of all tenants.

rake db:drop:all

(Note: Is necessary to establish a default tenant because the middlewares of ActiveRecord require a connection to function properly and shared pages between tenants can be viewed.)

Use without Rails

Specifying the source of tenants

You can set the source of the tenants in the same way as with Rails, use the method tenants_source_configurations of Motel::Manager:

  source:      :database,
  source_spec: { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/tenants.sqlite3" },
  table_name:  'tenant'


Switching tenants

To switch between tenants:


To determine the tenant of the connection to retrieve a fallback is performed through the variables that are used to set the tenant in the following order: environment variable ENV['TENANT'], tenant switched Motel::Manager.switch_tenant() and default tenant Motel::Manager.default_tenant.

Usage example:


  FooBar.create(name: "Foo")
  # => #<FooBar id: 1, name: "Foo">


  # => #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>


  # => #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<FooBar id: 1, name: "Foo">]>

Available methods

Sets a tenats source configurations


Switches the tenant


Sets a default tenant


Retrieves a current tenant


Retrieves the connection details of all tenants


Retrieves a tenant


Determines if a tenant exists


Adds tenant

Motel::Manager.add_tenant(name, spec)

Updates tenant

Motel::Manager.update_tenant(name, spec)

Deletes tenant


Retrieves the names of the tenants of active connections
