
Persistable attributes for Rubymotion classes

A nice wrapper around Bubble-wrap's App::Persistence module that adds class macros for attributes that are persistable


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'motion-persistable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself with:

$ gem install motion-persistable

...add this line to your application's Rakefile:

Bundler.require # this should already be there
require 'motion-persistable'


Include the module Motion::Persistable in any class that you want persistable attributes

Persistable Instance Methods

class User

  include Motion::Persistable

  # Define this in your model to use your own key, otherise it will try and call 
  # name() on the instance by default
  def persistence_key

  # This will persist the user's email under the key: "" (where the
  # user's username was bodacious)
  attr_persisted :email, '', :username

  # This will set an attribute called age, with a default value of 16.
  # When a new value is set, the block is called, in this case it's recorded on TestFlight
  attr_persisted :age, 16, :username do |value|
    testflight_checkpoint("Set new age value", age: value)

  class << self 
    include Motion::Persistable # for class methods

    # This will set a class attribute User.count with a default value of 0
    attr_persisted :count, 0



  • Dont' set class attributes called name() without providing a key(). The name() method defined on instances of Class is used as a default key prefix when no key() method has been defined. This is handy because it provides key names such as "User.login_count" but will cause an infinite loop if no key() is defined as an alternative.


The obvious drawback with this current approach is that instances require unique keys. For the project this was designed for, this wasn't an issue but if your instances don't already have some sort of unique identifier then this gem might not be best for you.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request