MultiMail: easily switch email APIs

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Many providers offer APIs to send, receive, and parse email. MultiMail lets you easily switch between these APIs, and integrates tightly with the Mail gem.



```ruby require ‘multi_mail’

Create an object to consume the webhook data.

service = => ‘mandrill’)

Process the webhook data, whether it’s raw POST data, a params hash, a Rack request, etc.

messages = service.process(data) ```

messages will be an array of Mail::Message instances.

Any non-standard parameters provided by an API are added to each message as a header. For example, Mailgun provides stripped-text, which is the message body without quoted parts or signature block. You can access it as message['stripped-text'].value.


With MultiMail, you send a message the same way you do with the Mail gem. Just set delivery_method:

```ruby require ‘multi_mail’ require ‘multi_mail/postmark/sender’

message = do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Postmark, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’ … end

message.deliver ```

Alternatively, instead of setting delivery_method during initialization, you can set it before delivery:

```ruby message = do … end

message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Postmark, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’

message.deliver ```

Or, if you are sending many messages, you can set a default delivery_method for all messages:

ruby Mail.defaults do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Postmark, :api_key => 'your-api-key' end

Track opens and clicks

Mailgun and Mandrill allow you to set open tracking and click tracking on a per-message basis:

```ruby require ‘multi_mail’ require ‘multi_mail/mailgun/sender’

message = do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’, :domain => ‘’, :track => { :opens => true, :clicks => false, } … end

message.deliver ```

Mailgun and Mandrill track whether a recipient has clicked a link in a message by rewriting its URL.

If want to rewrite URLs in HTML parts only – leaving URLs as-is in text parts – use :clicks => 'htmlonly' if you are using Mailgun; if you are using Mandrill, do not set :clicks and instead configure click tracking globally in your Mandrill sending options.

```ruby require ‘multi_mail’ require ‘multi_mail/mandrill/sender’

message = do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mandrill, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’, :track => { :opens => true, :clicks => false, } … end

message.deliver ```

Inspect the API response

Pass :return_response => true to delivery_method and use the deliver! method to send the message:

```ruby message = do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Postmark, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’, :return_response => true … end

message.deliver! ```

Note that the deliver! method ignores Mail’s perform_deliveries and raise_delivery_errors flags.



ruby service ={ :provider => 'cloudmailin', })

The default HTTP POST format is raw. Add a :http_post_format option to change the HTTP POST format, with possible values of "multipart", "json" or "raw" (default):

ruby service ={ :provider => 'cloudmailin', :http_post_format => 'raw', })

See Cloudmailin’s documentation for these additional parameters provided by the API:

  • reply_plain
  • spf-result

Note: MultiMail doesn’t yet support Cloudmailin’s URL attachments (attachment stores). Please use regular attachments (always the case if you use the default raw format).



ruby service ={ :provider => 'mailgun', })

To check that a request originates from Mailgun, add a :mailgun_api_key option:

ruby service ={ :provider => 'mailgun', :mailgun_api_key => 'key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x-xxxxxx', })

If you are using the raw MIME format, add a :http_post_format => 'raw' option:

ruby service ={ :provider => 'mailgun', :http_post_format => 'raw', })

See Mailgun’s documentation for these additional parameters provided by the API:

  • stripped-text
  • stripped-signature
  • stripped-html
  • content-id-map


```ruby require ‘multi_mail/mailgun/sender’

Mail.deliver do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’, :domain => ‘’ … end ```

You may pass additional arguments to delivery_method to use Mailgun-specific features (see docs):

  • o:tag
  • o:campaign
  • o:dkim
  • o:deliverytime
  • o:testmode
  • o:tracking
  • v:



ruby service ={ :provider => 'mandrill', })

To check that a request originates from Mandrill, add :mandrill_webhook_key and :mandrill_webhook_url options:

ruby service ={ :provider => 'mandrill', :mandrill_webhook_key => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', :mandrill_webhook_url => '', }) You can get your webhook key from Mandrill’s Webhooks Settings.

The default SpamAssassin score needed to flag an email as spam is 5. Add a :spamassassin_threshold option to increase or decrease it:

ruby service ={ :provider => 'mandrill', :spamassassin_threshold => 4.5, })

See Mandrill’s documentation for these additional parameters provided by the API:

  • ts
  • email
  • dkim-signed
  • dkim-valid
  • spam_report-score
  • spf-result


```ruby require ‘multi_mail/mandrill/sender’

Mail.deliver do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mandrill, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’ … end ```

You may pass additional arguments to delivery_method to use Mandrill-specific features (see docs):

  • important
  • auto_text and auto_html
  • inline_css
  • url_strip_qs
  • preserve_recipients
  • bcc_address
  • tracking_domain and signing_domain
  • merge, global_merge_vars and merge_vars
  • tags
  • google_analytics_domains and google_analytics_campaign
  • metadata and recipient_metadata
  • async
  • ip_pool
  • send_at



ruby service ={ :provider => 'postmark', })

See Postmark’s documentation for these additional parameters provided by the API:

  • MailboxHash
  • MessageID
  • Tag


```ruby require ‘multi_mail/postmark/sender’

Mail.deliver do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Postmark, :api_key => ‘your-api-key’ … end ```

MultiMail depends on the postmark gem for its Postmark integration.

You may also pass a Tag option to delivery_method (see Postmark’s documentation).



ruby service ={ :provider => 'sendgrid', })

The default SpamAssassin score needed to flag an email as spam is 5. Add a :spamassassin_threshold option to increase or decrease it:

ruby service ={ :provider => 'sendgrid', :spamassassin_threshold => 4.5, })

See SendGrid’s documentation for these additional parameters provided by the API:

  • dkim
  • SPF
  • spam_report
  • spam_score


```ruby require ‘multi_mail/sendgrid/sender’

Mail.deliver do delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::SendGrid, :api_user => ‘username’, :api_key => ‘password’ … end ```

You may also pass a x-smtpapi option to delivery_method (see SendGrid’s documentation).

Bugs? Questions?

This gem’s main repository is on GitHub:, where your contributions, forks, bug reports, feature requests, and feedback are greatly welcomed.


This gem is developed by Open North through a partnership with the Participatory Politics Foundation.

This gem re-uses code from fog, released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2012 Open North Inc., released under the MIT license