
Command line tool to drive multiple movingsign_api compatible LED signs in unison.

For example: (below) multi_movingsign being used to display Kegbot top drinker stats.



It's a fun, low-fi way to display various things. Some examples:

  • Business Stats
    • Sales
    • Revenue
    • Users
  • Social
    • Tweets
    • Facebook Wall
  • Kegbot!
    • Keg Status
    • Drinker Stats
  • Pretty much anything!


This gem comprises of the following main features:

  • A command line tool multi_movingsign (see multi_movingsign help or cli.rb)
  • CLI for individual operations
    • setup + configuration
    • displaying a page of information on screen
  • A server mode to continuously alternate between pages of information (see multi_movingsign server help or server.rb)
    • server start
    • server add-page
      • adds/updates a page on display rotation
    • server alert
      • send a page to be display immediately (on demand) and not put into rotation
    • server stop

To get help on the CLI tools, run help:

$ multi_movingsign help
    multi_movingsign help [COMMAND]             # Describe available commands or one specific command
    multi_movingsign server SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS  # Run or manipuate the MultiMovingsign server
    multi_movingsign settings                   # Prints settings to terminal
    multi_movingsign setup                      # Setup available Movingsign LED signs and preferences
    multi_movingsign show-identity              # Show sign identifying information on all signs
    multi_movingsign show-page --page=PAGE      # Renders the specified page to the configured signs

    [--rc=RC]  # Path the persistent settings file. Defaults to: ~/.multi_movingsign.yml

Getting Started


To use the multi_movingsign gem, you need:

  • 2 - 4 movingsign_api LED signs
    • More signs possible...just not tested
  • Ruby >= 2.0.0 Recommended
    • Ruby 1.9.3 is also tested
  • UNIX-y OS (Linux, Mac)
    • Windows may work, but not tested


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'multi_movingsign'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install multi_movingsign


The workflow is as follows:

  1. Configure multi_movingsign with the attached LED sign device paths
  2. Create a page of information to display (see page definition)
  3. Start the MultiMovingsign server
  4. Add the page to the server
  5. Stop the server
$ multi_movingsign setup --signs /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1      # Setup the sign device paths

$ cat > page.yml <<PAGE                                         # Create page definition in page.yml
title: Page Title
- prefix: 'L 1: '
  - Screen 1
  - Screen 2
- prefix: 'L 2: '
  - Screen 1
  - Screen 2

$ multi_movingsign server start                                 # Start the sign server

$ multi_movingsign server add-page --page page.yml              # Add a page to the running server (do in a separate terminal window from the 'server start' above)

$ multi_movingsign server stop                                  # Stop the server

For examples on using multi_movingsign programmatically, see cli.rb.

Version History

For a complete list of versions, see


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request