Mustermann Pattern Visualizer

With this gem, you can visualize the internal structure of a Mustermann pattern:

  • You can generate a syntax highlighted version of a pattern object. Both HTML/CSS based highlighting and ANSI color code based highlighting is supported.
  • You can turn a pattern object into a tree (with ANSI color codes) representing the internal AST. This of course only works for AST based patterns.

Syntax Highlighting

Loading mustermann/visualizer will automatically add to_html and to_ansi to pattern objects.

require 'mustermann/visualizer'

Alternatively, you can also create a separate highlight object, which allows finer grained control and more formats:

require 'mustermann/visualizer'

pattern   ='/:name')
highlight = Mustermann::Visualizer.highlight(pattern)

puts highlight.to_ansi

inspect mode

By default, the highlighted string will be a colored version of to_s. It is also possible to produce a colored version of inspect

require 'mustermann/visualizer'

pattern ='/:name')

# directly from the pattern
puts pattern.to_ansi(inspect: true)

# via the highlighter
highlight = Mustermann::Visualizer.highlight(pattern, inspect: true)
puts highlight.to_ansi


element inherits style from default theme note
default #839496 ANSI \e[10m if not set
special default #268bd2
capture special #cb4b16
name #b58900 always inside capture
char default
expression capture only exists in URI templates
composition special meta style, does not exist directly
group composition
union composition
optional special
root default wraps the whole pattern
separator char #93a1a1
splat capture
named_splat splat
variable capture always inside expression
escaped char #93a1a1
escaped_char always inside escaped
quote special
illegal special #8b0000

You can set theme any of the above elements. The default theme will only be applied if no custom theming is used.

# custom theme with highlight object
highlight = Mustermann::Visualizer.highlight(pattern, special: "#08f")
puts highlight.to_ansi

Themes apply both to ANSI and to HTML/CSS output. The exact ANSI code used depends on the terminal and its capabilities.


By default, the syntax elements will be translated into span tags with style attributes.'/:name').to_html
<span style="color: #839496;"><span style="color: #93a1a1;">/</span><span style="color: #cb4b16;">:<span style="color: #b58900;">name</span></span></span></span>

You can also set the css option to true to make it include a stylesheet instead.'/:name').to_html(css: true)
<span class="mustermann_pattern"><style type="text/css">
.mustermann_pattern .mustermann_name {
  color: #b58900;
/* ... etc ... */
</style><span class="mustermann_root"><span class="mustermann_separator">/</span><span class="mustermann_capture">:<span class="mustermann_name">name</span></span></span></span>

Or you can set it to false, which will omit style attributes, but include class attributes.

<span class="mustermann_pattern"><span class="mustermann_root"><span class="mustermann_separator">/</span><span class="mustermann_capture">:<span class="mustermann_name">name</span></span></span></span>

It is possible to change the class prefix and the tag used.'/:name').to_html(css: false, class_prefix: "mm_", tag: "tt")
<tt class="mm_pattern"><tt class="mm_root"><tt class="mm_separator">/</tt><tt class="mm_capture">:<tt class="mm_name">name</tt></tt></tt></tt>

If you create a highlight object, you can ask it for its stylesheet.

<% highlight = Mustermann::Visualizer.highlight("/:name") %>

    <style type="text/css">
      <%= highlight.stylesheet %>
    <%= highlight.to_html(css: false) %>

Other formats

If you create a highlight object, you have two other formats available: Hansi template strings and s-expression like strings. These might be useful if you want to check how a theme will be applied or as intermediate format for highlighting by other means.

require 'mustermann/visualizer'
highlight = Mustermann::Visualizer.highlight("/:page")
puts highlight.to_hansi_template
puts highlight.to_sexp

Hansi template strings wrap elements in tags that are similar to XML tags (though they are not, entity encoding and attributes are not supported, escaping works with a slash, so an escaped > would be \>, not &gt;).


The s-expression like syntax looks as follows:

(root (separator /) (capture : (name page)))
  • An expression is enclosed by parens and contains elements separated by spaces. The first element in the expression type (corresponding to themeable elements). These are simple strings. The other elements are either expressions, simple strings or full strings.
  • Simple strings do not contain spaces, parens, single or double quotes or any character that needs to be escaped.
  • Full strings are Ruby strings enclosed by double quotes.
  • Spaces before or after parens are optional.

IRB/Pry integration

When mustermann is being loaded from within an IRB or Pry session, it will automatically load mustermann/visualizer too, if possible. When displayed as result, it will be highlighted.

In Pry, this will even work when nested inside other objects (like as element on an array).

Tree Rendering

Loading mustermann/visualizer will automatically add to_tree to pattern objects.

require 'mustermann/visualizer'

For patterns not based on an AST (shell, simple, regexp), it will print out a single line:

pattern (not AST based)  "/example"

It will display a tree for identity patterns. While these are not based on an AST internally, Mustermann supports generating an AST for these patterns.