Muzak configuration

This is the user-facing documentation for muzak's configuration.

For the developer documentation, see Muzak::Config.

General behavior

All of muzak's configuration is kept in Muzak::Config, which is read during load-time (i.e., during require) from Muzak::Config::CONFIG_FILE, which is YAML-formatted.

Muzak loads configuration keys just like commands, translating them from kebab-case to snake_case. For example, take the following configuration:

debug: true
verbose: true
music: "/home/william/mnt/fortuna/music/"
player: mpv
art-geometry: 300x300
jukebox-size: 100
deep-index: true

This is exposed in Muzak::Config as follows:

Muzak::Config.debug # => true
Muzak::Config.verbose # => true # => "/home/william/mnt/fortuna/music/"
Muzak::Config.player # => "mpv"
Muzak::Config.art_geometry # => "300x300"
Muzak::Config.jukebox_size # => 100

Since Muzak::Config is populated whenever muzak is loaded via require, it can be used within both scripts and clients. As such, it should be preferred over custom configuration solutions for external programs that interact primarily with muzak.

Muzak::Config resolves undefined keys to false, allowing a pattern like this:

something_special Config.special_key if Config.special_key

A note on plugin configuration

Muzak loads a plugin if and only if plugin-$name is present in the configuration, where $name is the lowercased class name of the plugin (see Muzak::Plugin::StubPlugin.plugin_name and Muzak::Config.plugin?).

For example, to enable the made-up "foo" plugin, your configuration should include something like this.

  foo-option-1: bar
  foo-option-2: baz

Plugins can, of course, access their configuration through Muzak::Config:

Muzak::Config.plugin_foo["foo-option-1"] # => "bar"

Core configuration

These are the configuration keys observed by muzak's "core," particularly Muzak::Instance any everything it controls.

In no particular order:



Default: false

If debug: true is set in the configuration file, then muzak operates in debugging mode. This includes printing debug messages and not forking muzakd into the background.



Default: true

If verbose: true is set in the configuration file, then muzak operates in verbose mode. This includes printing informational messages and not forking muzakd into the background.



Default: ~/music

music: <directory> should be set to the directory of the music library. Muzak uses this key to point the indexer at the correct directory.



Default: mpv

player: <player> should be set to the human-friendly name of the user's music player. This human-friendly name is generated from the player's ruby class name just like a plugin (e.g., Muzak::Player::MPV becomes mpv). Muzak uses this key to find the correct Muzak::Player underclass to initialize and control.

The short names of supported players can be found in Muzak::Player::PLAYER_MAP.



Default: false

If mpv-no-art: true is set in the configuration file and player: mpv is set, then mpv will be instructed to disable all video output entirely. This option is primarily useful in conjunction with plugins that provide album art display, or for making Muzak entirely non-graphical.



Default: 100

jukebox-size: <size> should be set to the number of random songs to enqueue by default with the jukebox size.



No default.

art-geometry: <geometry> should be set to the desired size of displayed album art, in "WxH" format. If not set, album art will be displayed at any size the player pleases.

It's entirely up to the user's player and/or plugins to obey this value.



Default: false

If autoplay: true is set in the configuration file, then muzak will begin tell the player to begin playing as soon as media is loaded.



No default.

default_playlist: <playlist> should be set to a playlist that the user wishes to automatically load when muzak starts. If not set, no playlist is automatically loaded.

Note: default_playlist does not automatically play the specified playlist (it only loads it). autoplay: true must be set to automatically play the default playlist.

Daemon/client configuration

These are configuration keys observed by muzak's interface(s).



Default: 2669

daemon-port: <port> should be set to a valid port number for muzakd to listen on.



Default: localhost

daemon-host: <hostname> should be set to the hostname for muzakd to listen on.



No default.

dmenu-exec: <command args...> can be used to alter muzak-dmenu's invocation of dmenu. It can also be used to substitute a dmenu-compatible prompt like rofi -dmenu.



No default.

dmenu-lines-exec: <command args> can be used to alter muzak-dmenu's invocation of dmenu when showing selections on multiple lines (e.g., when offering albums after enqueue-album has been selected). It can be used to substitute a dmenu-compatible prompt like rofi -dmenu.