Top Level Namespace

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: NagiosHerald

Constant Summary collapse

  :HOSTNAME               => "",
  :LONGDATETIME           => "Thu May 11 11:11:11 UTC 2011",
  :SERVICEDESC            => "TestService",

  :SERVICEACKAUTHOR       => "service on call",
  :HOSTACKAUTHOR          => "host on call",
  :SERVICEATTEMPT         => "4",
  :HOSTATTEMPT            => "3",
  :SERVICEACKCOMMENT      => "service comment",
  :HOSTACKCOMMENT         => "host comment",
  :SERVICEDURATION        => "0d 0h 5m 11s",
  :HOSTDURATION           => "0d 0h 10m 11s",
  :SERVICENOTES           => "note for service",
  :HOSTNOTES              => "note for host",
  :SERVICEOUTPUT          => "short service output",
  :HOSTOUTPUT             => "short host output",
  :SERVICESTATE           => "S_TESTING",
  :HOSTSTATE              => "H_TESTING",
  :SERVICENOTESURL        => "service_url",
  :HOSTNOTESURL           => "host_url",
  :LONGSERVICEOUTPUT      => "long service output",
  :LONGHOSTOUTPUT         => "long host output",
  :MAXHOSTATTEMPTS        => "3",
  # The below vars are not available to nagios-herald from the env,
  # but should be generated in the email.
  :SERVICE_ACK_URL        => "http://test/nagios/?cmd_typ=34&",
  :HOST_ACK_URL           => "http://test/nagios/?cmd_typ=33&"