__2019/01/12: 1.1.2 release
- Issue 73: Do not conceal original error in
- Updating LICENSE and copyright for year 2019.
- Issue 73: Do not conceal original error in
2016/06/18: 1.1.1 release
- Issue 68: Speed up for accessing field of Struct.
- Updating LICENSE and copyright for year 2016.
2015/12/24: 1.1.0 release
- Issue 64: undefined method 'mecab_model_destory' for Natto::MeCab:Class
- Updated Travis rubies
2015/07/20: 1.0.1 release.
- Issue 62: Ruby warning: shadowing outer local variable - opts
2015/04/14: 1.0.0 release.
- Issue 36: Fixed @param documentation
- Issue 37: README and bullet points under Automatic Configuration
- Issue 38: Updated URLs in documentation to point to Ruby 2.2.1
- Issue 39: Make refs to MeCab and Tagger consistent in docs
- Issue 40: Use new Model- and Lattice-based C APIs internally
- Issue 45: Add support for feature constraint parsing
- Issue 48: Put in a guard to prevent partial parsing of text that does not end with a new-line char
- Issue 50: Update all references to Natto::MeCab in documentation to reflect new internal structure
- Issue 52: Downloads and license badges for & API docs
- Issue 55: Node parsing with --all-morphs option missing surface values
2015/03/31: 0.9.9 release.
- Issue 21/34: Implemented boundary constraint parsing.
- Issue 26: Removing deprecated methods parse_as_nodes, parse_as_strings, readnodes and readlines.
- Issue 32: Fixed partial parsing.
- Updated documentation for new MeCab home at
2015/02/10: 0.9.8 release.
- Migrated natto code home from Bitbucket to GitHub.
- Improved documentation following said migration.
- Minor refactoring to Natto::MeCabNode#to_s.
- Updating LICENSE for year 2015.
2014/12/20: 0.9.7 release.
- Issue 14: adding automatic discovery for mecab library; no need to explicitly set MECAB_PATH
- Issue 15: refactored node-parsing to use Enumerator instead of materializing every node and stuffing into array
- Issue 17: adding filepath to MeCab and DictionaryInfo
- Issue 18: bug-fix for node-formatting during default node parse
- Deprecating parse_as_nodes and parse_as_strings; please use parse instead!
- CAUTION: parse_as_nodes, parse_as_strings, readnodes and readlines will be removed in the following release!
- Enhancements to to_s methods for both MeCab and DictionaryInfo
- Enhancements to TestDictionaryInfo to allow for building user dic during setup on Windows as well
- Slight enhancement to benchmark task.
- Updating LICENSE (adding copyright year 2015), adding to all files
2013/07/07: 0.9.6 release.
- Upgrade to mecab 0.996
- Adding support for partial parsing mode (-p / --partial)
- Adding support for marginal probability output mode (-m / --marginal)
- Adding support for maximum grouping size for unknown words (-M / --max-grouping-size)
- Outputting warning message for deprecation of :lattice_level option
- Requiring ffi 1.9.0 or greater
- Dropping support for Ruby 1.8.7
- Migrating to minitest
- Removing automatic library load for Cygwin platform (does not compile)
2012/09/16: 0.9.5 release.
- Fixed Issue 9: trimされていない文字列のparse
- Fixed Issue 10: BUG Segmentation Fault
- Adding parse_as_nodes to allow for method-chaining on list of parsed nodes
- Adding parse_as_strings to allow for method-chaining on list of string output
- Deprecating both readnodes and readlines (badly named methods, see parse_as_nodes and parse_as_strings, respectively)
- Refactored the option parsing logic into Natto::OptionParse
- Enhanced Natto::DictionaryInfo#type override for java or ruby < 1.9
2012/02/26: 0.9.4 release.
- Exposing the underlying FFI pointer as @tagger in Natto::MeCab
- Exposing the underlying FFI pointer as @pointer in Natto::MeCabNode
- Fixed node formatting behavior for both regular and N-Best node parsing
- Adding is_nor?, is_unk?, is_bos?, is_eos?, is_eon? to Natto::MeCabNode
- Adding is_sysdic?, is_usrdic?, is_unkdic? to Natto::DictionaryInfo
- Adding readnodes to allow for method-chaining on list of parsed nodes
- Adding readlines to allow for method-chaining on list of string output
- Updating README to include description of DevKit install for RubyInstaller
- Refactored the codebase, introducing more tests
2012/02/14: 0.9.3 release.
- Updating structures, tests following the latest release of MeCab 0.993
- Ending support for 0.98 MeCab.
- Support for MeCab 0.993 in Cygwin is still not confirmed.
2011/11/14: 0.9.2 release.
- Bumping up version to 0.9.2, following the migration of this project to bitbucket (hg)
2011/10/23: 0.9.1 release.
- MeCab configurations can now be a string as per MeCab command-line
- Adding more tests around the configuration processing
- Pulling support for mecab option 'output', since it is more of a command-line feature
2011/09/11: 0.9.0 release.
- Bumping up version to 0.9.0, as natto appears to be stable
- Also migrated project to github
2011/03/23: 0.5.1 release.
- Corrected mojibake issue for surface and feature values when node-parsing
- Corrected call to NBest initializer in lambdas for Natto::MeCab#initialize
2011/02/26: 0.5.0 release.
- Added support for node parsing using blocks
- Added support for mecab options nbest, all-morphs
- Pulling support for mecab option partial, since it is more of a command-line feature
2011/01/27: 0.4.1 release.
- Tweaking the description in natto.gemspec a bit
2011/01/26: 0.4.0 release.
- Added support for mecab option input-buffer-size
- Adding CHANGELOG file
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/22: 0.3.0 release.
- Refactoring of Natto::Binding to make mecab methods available as class methods
- Refactoring of Natto::DictionaryInfo to override to_s method to return filename
- Refactoring of Natto::MeCab to use class methods in Natto::Binding
- Refactoring and logical separation of test cases
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/19: 0.2.0 release.
- Added support for mecab option allocate-sentence
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/15: 0.1.1 release.
- Refactored Natto::DictionaryInfo#method_missing
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/15: 0.1.0 release.
- Added accessors to Natto::DictionaryInfo
- Added accessor for version in Natto::MeCab
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/13: 0.0.9 release.
- Further development and testing for mecab dictionary access/destruction
- Continuing update of documentation
2011/01/07: 0.0.8 release.
- Adding support for accessing dictionaries
- Further tweaking of documentation with markdown
2010/12/30: 0.0.7 release.
- Adding support for all-morphs and partial options
- Further updating of documentation with markdown
2010/12/28: 0.0.6 release.
- Correction to natto.gemspec to include lib/natto/binding.rb
2010/12/28: 0.0.5 release. (yanked)
- On-going refactoring
- Project structure refactored for greater maintainability
2010/12/26: 0.0.4 release.
- On-going refactoring
2010/12/23: 0.0.3 release.
- On-going refactoring
- Adding documentation via yard
2010/12/20: 0.0.2 release.
- Continuing development on proper resource deallocation
- Adding options hash in object initializer
2010/12/13: Released version 0.0.1.
- Initial release
- The objective is to provide an easy-to-use, production-level Ruby binding to MeCab